Abuse and Neglect

幼児や児童に対する「虐待」という言葉を聞いたときに、皆さんはどのようなシーンを想像しますか? 日本では恐らく、次のような場面をイメージする人が大半だと思います。
When you hear the words "child abuse," what do you envision? I suspect that most Japanese would envision the following situation.

閲覧注意 Viewer Discretion Advised
 韓国Korea http://youtu.be/axuk3zLzEsI
 日本Japan http://youtu.be/6b1sufb6Im8
 米国U.S. http://youtu.be/tkHu-Lrg_j4

These are all horrible images. Unfortunately, we receive constant news reports of child abuse in both the United States and Japan, so we know that abuse does not occur solely in underdeveloped countries where awareness of human rights issues is low.

さて、幼児や児童への虐待が物理的な暴力を伴うものに限られないことはご存知だと思います。英語で言えば"child abuse"だけでなく"child neglect"も問題なのです。ですから米国では次のような行為も、幼児に対する虐待です。
We all understand that child abuse is not limited to cases of direct physical violence. In English, the concept is expanded to include child neglect. For this reason, the following kind of situation is also treated as a form of child abuse in the United States.

この動画に出てくる生後12か月の子供の両親は後に"child neglect"の容疑で逮捕されています。
The parents of this 12-month-old child were later arrested for child neglect.

However, in Japanese the word "neglect = ネグレクト”about which there is growing awareness in Japan is usually interpreted to be more like "abandonment" or "negligence," so it is difficult to see the reason why these parents would be arrested.

Children require proper care from their parents and other adults, and parents have that duty (custodial duty). Without such care, children cannot experience healthy development either mentally or physically. From that standpoint, it is clearly improper to give a gun to a one-year-old child to play with, and parents are not fulfilling their custodial duty. This cannot be excused simply by saying "The parents are right there" or "It's safe because the gun is not loaded."

It is also a form of abuse for a teacher to scold a child ad infinitum in front of a group of classmates. Teachers and parents who inflict emotional abuse in the name of "discipline" or "education" are a disgrace. In the case of this video, the student gets her revenge, however!


Incidentally, abuse of adults also exists, and it is conducted routinely and shamelessly in Japan. The regular media either is unaware of or intentionally avoids reporting on it, so I will write about it here.

On a certain island in Japan, there is an entity which gathers unfortunate adults who are in a mental condition of not being able to distinguish right from wrong and pays them a per diem to plaster red plastic tape on the fences of certain facilities and to engage in certain dangerous and annoying boat games.

危険なテープ遊び Plastic tape:


危険なボート遊び Boat games:


参考 FYI:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rsv0mimJ9O4


It is cruel abuse to use the power of money to lure these people who, while being adults in a chronological sense, lack the ability to make proper decisions into engaging in illegal and dangerous acts. A thorough investigation should be conducted concerning the masterminds and sponsors of these abusive activities.

It is possible that these people are engaging in such acts of their own accord, but putting plastic tape and stickers on walls and fences is generally the kind of mischief which very young elementary school age children soon grow out of, so if these people really cannot stop engaging in such mischief, then it leads one to think that perhaps they themselves were victims of "neglect" in their childhood. I think they should be placed in a protective environment in a public facility for a time.

参考 FYI:https://twitter.com/kmtsg/status/379418740082765825


Either because they are being lured by immediate monetary gain or because they lack the ability to make proper judgments, they are being pressed to engage in dangerous and illegal activities by someone. Perhaps the local government or police who stand by and ignore or fail to provide a proper protective environment for these very unfortunate people should be punished for "neglect."

六本木男声合唱団倶楽部 ミュージカル「ウェスト・サイズ・ストーリー」
  1月25日(日) 13:00~13:55 「メイキング」放送日
  2月15日(日) 25:00~27:00 「公演」放送日
Roppongi Men’s Chorus Club Musical: “West Size Story”
BS Asahi (BS Digital Channel 5)
“Making Of”: Sunday, January 25, 13:00 ~ 13:55
Actual Final Performance: February 15, 25:00 ~ 27:00