Geocentrism and Heliocentrism



When we observe the movement of the sun, it appears that the sun is circling the earth upon which we live. This is called the Ptolemaic or geocentric theory, or geocentrism. It is natural to think that way since that is how reality appears. It is not hard to believe that there would be people even now that have no doubts about the correctness of geocentrism unless someone were to teach them that it is false.


In fact, in a survey conducted by the National Science Foundation and reported in February 2014, 26% of Americans still do not know that the earth revolves around the sun.



I doubt there is anyone in the world who realizes on the first time he or she observes the movement of the sun that This is because the earth is revolving around the sun! In the event someone says Thats what I thought! then that person is either an ultra genius or, as is infinitely more likely, a very bad liar.


To repeat, the geocentric theory of astronomy is a complete falsehood, and the heliocentric theory is correct and the truth. Surprisingly, around 270 B.C., the ancient Greek astronomer Aristarchus of Samos proposed a heliocentric theory which was very close to our present understanding.


However, this theory was buried in obscurity for more than 1,800 years until the Polish priest Copernicus announced his own theory in 1543 A.D.



So, was the astronomically correct heliocentric theory announced by Copernicus immediately accepted by the people? The answer is, of course, No. As a priest in the Catholic Church, Copernicus he realized that heliocentrism went against the doctrine of the church, so he did not announce it until shortly before his death. He refrained from advancing his theory for thirty years to avoid trouble. And thereafter, there were precious few astronomers who accepted his theory.



After the passage of more than fifty more years, in 1597 the Italian Galileo Galilei recorded in a letter to the German astronomer Johannes Kepler that he supported heliocentrism. Incidentally, Giordano Bruno, who supported heliocentrism along with Galileo, was burned at the stake in 1600 by the Vatican (Roman Curia). It was in that environment in the early 17th Century that Galileo seriously researched and advanced this theory, and proposed it to the world.



However, for the reason that this theory was against the doctrine of the Catholic Church, Galileo was called before the Roman Inquisition twice in 1616 and 1633, where he received a sentence of life in prison. Immediately thereafter the sentence was reduced to house arrest, but Galileo was forced to recant and swear that he would never again preach heliocentrism, and he died in 1642.



The Vatican began a reexamination of the Galileo trial just fifty years ago in 1965. 27 years later in 1992, Pope John Paul II admitted errors committed by the Catholic Church tribunal and expressed regret for how the matter was handled. This was 350 years after the death of Galileo.


This is all a very long allegorical lead-in to the topic at hand. Geocentrism is a metaphor for the logic applied by the victorious countries to assess various events which took place during World War II. Heliocentrism represents the logic of the Japanese side which for a time was forbidden even to be discussed, or in other words, logic and facts which are inconvenient for the victorious countries.


This is an allegory which I thought up recently based upon various historical facts which I have researched (along with my ideas), so I cannot say for a certainty that it is necessarily equivalent to heliocentrism. And I can see how some people might advocate that in fact it is the Japanese view that should be considered equivalent to geocentrism.



Again, as I posted the other day, as someone pursuing historical truth, I welcome all opposing views based on objective evidence and logically presented.


Here is a practical application. I wish people would stop immediately thinking, and worse yet writing or posting, That is the handiwork or fault of the XXXXX foreign residents whenever some kind or problem or incident occurs in Japan. Whenever I see that kind of comment in a blog comment or on SNS, I am deeply disappointed.


Those kinds of statements actually provide the script for those who would like to attack Japan: Japanese people are racists and sexists (segregationists), Japanese are chauvinists, Japanese are elitists, or Japanese engage in repeated hate speech.


I think that on average, Japanese people have world-class moral sensibilities, are kind and tenderhearted, and seek to avoid causing trouble for others. However, in the famous Japanese fairy tale Hanasaka Jiisan (The Story of the Old Man Who Made Withered Trees to Blossom), while the main character is the honest old man, his neighbor, the covetous and stingy old man, is cruel and heartless enough to kill his neighbors pet dog.


In the original version of the fairy tale The Sparrow with the Slit Tongue, the old woman slit the tongue of the sparrow simply because the sparrow got into some starch that was left out and eventually ate all of it. (The following is a severely abbreviated version of this story.)


In the famous ghost story and Kabuki play Yostuya Kaidan, the main character Iemon deceives his wife, Oiwa, resulting in her cruel murder.


Even in the highly popular TV drama series Mito Komon, a common plotline is to have a merchant bribe a corrupt magistrate. I have taken care here to bring up only fiction, but if you look back over history, there were always bad people in Japan from ancient history until modern times, and heinous crimes have been committed in all ages.



As far as public morals go, in the 1970s and 80s it was normal to drop cigarette butts almost anywhere. Its easy to find such scenes in the TV dramas of that era.


Of late, I sometimes feel like old Japan and former generations of Japanese people are being glorified a little too much. Of course there were some things were really good, but there is no question that some things were really bad. I hope people will make logical statements based on objective evidence


I think this stance is absolutely necessary in order to point out the errors in the geocentrism which has continued for 70 years following the war and expound on the correctness of heliocentrism.


Incidentally, the following video is quite interesting. You may be able to gain some new insights from it.

太陽系の公転/Rotation of the solar system (bilingual)