This is a picture captured from NHK yesterday which shows the results of an NHK opinion poll conducted just before the election.


Responses to the question “Which issues are the most important to you?” are as follows:

  景気対策  Economic issues 31%

  社会保障制度の見直し  Reform of social security 27%
  財政再建  Government fiscal policies  12%
  原発への対応  Handling of nuclear reactors 9%
  外交・安全保障  Foreign affairs and national security 7%
  震災復興  Earthquake reconstruction 4%

As expected, the top three issues are economic. If the same poll were taken in America, I think it would probably yield the same results. No matter how actually important an issue is, if the general population finds it troublesome or hard to understand, then it is not rated highly. People instinctively are influenced by perceived short-term loss or gain.

But if the country were invaded by another country, the economy, social security, and government fiscal conditions would be meaningless. Our present lives would be completely destroyed. Therefore, wouldn’t you agree that national security is actually far more important than perceived short-term loss or gain?

Nevertheless, the general population is swayed by short-term loss or gain. It is for precisely this reason that democratic countries like Japan and the United States do not carry out “direct democracy” where all policies are decided directly by a general vote of the population. Instead, we practice “representative democracy” or “indirect democracy” where we elect professionals who can sort out and prioritize the various issues to represent us, and then we leave it up to those professionals to create the best policies.

Still, I would like to see a substantial increase in the number of people who can progress from irresponsibility to a good understanding of this importance of foreign affairs and national security. I sincerely hope that you will all make wise choices in the national lower house election to be held this month.