Who Is the Most Important Partner?




The results of a public opinion survey carried out by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the United States were recently reported in the Fuji Evening Newspaper in Japanese, and on the MOFA home page in English. See details below.




When asked which Asian country is the most important partner for the United States, the general public answered 46% for Japan, far exceeding the 24% for China. The opinions of experts (politicos, scholars, journalists, etc.) were even higher, listing 58% for Japan and 24% for China.



In English, a partner may be a business partner or even a marriage partner, but the most important element is mutual trust. In the respect, I think these findings reflect reality.



There was a time during the Hatoyama administration in the Democratic Party of Japan when Japan unilaterally disavowed its promises regarding the military bases in Okinawa, and many American wondered whether Japan could really be trusted, but it appears that such trust has been restored under the Abe administration.


These results also seem to indicate that the anti-Japanese forces in the United States which we like to worry about so much do not really have that much influence. It is just a small group of people who are making a lot of noise. The anti-Japanese feeling has not penetrated into the consciousness of the general public, and experts are not easily swayed by the activities of such special interest groups.


In contrast, China is making trouble about the Senkaku Islands, and the same kind of problem exists in Southeast Asia. From the timing of the survey, the latest stir over poaching in Ogasawara is not reflected in the results, but the problems in Tibet and the Uighur region of China continue.

2014年8月 ヤルカンド大虐殺、衝撃の真相!【ウイグルチャンネル第5回】


守ろうTV: http://youtu.be/xvl79CD5KHk


In addition, the United States continues to be irritated by the fact that China, which has the most influence over North Korea, does not cooperate to exercise that influence.


Progress on human rights in China, an issue which the United States considers very important, is very slow, and legal reforms in China have not proceeded far enough.



Americans who nevertheless view China as the most important partner are probably influenced by the indisputable economic might of China. However, the latest analysis is that America’s economic dependence on China has decreased somewhat, and many experts feel that a cooling in the Chinese economy will not have that much negative influence in the United States.



I personally feel that the mutual trust between Japan and the United States has been and will continue to be the most important stabilizing influence in Asia.

参考資料:オバマ米大統領が北京到着 習主席と会談へ 南シナ海、香港など懸案多いが…中国に譲歩の意思なしhttp://www.sankei.com/world/news/141110/wor1411100022-n1.html