Prediction on the Interim Election: What Will Happen to Mike Honda?



The U.S. holds a national election every two years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.


The term for members of the House of Representatives is 2 years, so they must stand for election each time. In order to maintain balanced representation, the more than 400 election districts are readjusted after each census, which is conducted every 10 years (in years divisible by 10). States which have gained population may gain an extra election district, and states which have decreased in population may lose an election district.


The term for senators is 6 years, so one-third of the senators stand for election each time. The senate has 100 members, 2 from each state, regardless of differences in the population of various states.


The term of the President of the United States is 4 years, so he or she stands for election every other time (in the years divisible by 4). The election held in years not divisible by 4 is called an interim election or off-year election.


In what is basically a two-party system, the conservative Republican Party and the liberal Democratic Party are always at odds. The current President of the United States is a democrat. The Democratic Party has a majority in the senate, but the Republican Party has a majority in the House of Representatives. The legislative branch is therefore divided.


It is expected now that the Republicans will retain their majority in the House and obtain a majority of the seats in the Senate in this interim election. The Republicans also seem to have the advantage in the gubernatorial elections at stake.


President Obama’s support ratings are at a dismal low, but the ratings for Congress are even lower. It appears that the Republican Party has the lead for this election, but no matter what happens in the interim election, the present situation of a divided government between the president and the Congress will not change. Perhaps for that reason, there is not very much enthusiasm about this election, and the mass media is not covering it very extensively.



The one race which I am watching closely is California House District 17. The present representative is Mike Honda, a third generation Japanese American. He has been a central figure in stirring up anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States, particularly as regards the “comfort women” issue, and has promoted the building of comfort women statues in various localities in the U.S. It may sound strange to have an American say it, but this erstwhile son of Yamato has sold his soul to the Korean and Chinese elements for political gain.



It is rumored that Honda will lose this next election. Honda’s opponent is an Indian American attorney, Ro Khanna. Accordingly to the buzz on the web, the anti-Japanese forces may have shifted their support to Khanna. The ethnic mix in District 17 is Asian 51.4%, White 33.7%, Central and South American 17.2%, Black 3%. The main point will be how to secure the Asian vote.


Even if Khanna wins the election, as the representative of this district, there is a high likelihood that he will continue the anti-Japanese stance. And if Honda loses his eighth election due to betrayal by the trusted support groups to which he has devoted his political life




I would suggest that he read the following blog article regarding “Voices from Heaven” which I posted recently.



We will be looking forward to the results, which should be available on Wednesday of next week, Japan time.