A Disgraceful Problem in International Sports

msnニュース:錦織、ラオニック下し2度目の大会制覇 ジャパンオープン http://goo.gl/ZcHgr8

錦織圭選手、マレーシアと日本での二週連続優勝おめでとうございます! 日本びいきのアメリカ人としては、アメリカで修業を積んだ日本人選手が才能を開花させて、世界の大舞台で活躍する姿を見るのは、二重の意味で嬉しいものがあります。やはり彼の実力は本物ですね。これでもはや9月の全米オープンでの準優勝を「たまたま」とか「運が良かった」などと言う人は、世界中で一人もいなくなったはずです。四大大会での優勝も、きっと遠くないと思います!
Congratulations to Kei Nishikori on his tennis victories two weeks in a row in Malaysia and Japan. As an American, I feel double pride in the success achieved on the world stage by athletes who have trained in the U.S. where their talents and abilities have blossomed. It is clear that he has genuine ability. This should put to rest any comments about his second place finish in the U.S. Open in September such as “he was lucky” or “that was a fluke.”

The following is a hypothetical, so don’t take it wrong, and please do not quote it or share it out of context.




Again, the following is a hypothetical story.

Suppose that the judges in the Rakuten Japan Open were to favor Nishikori in making calls whenever he was in the match. Suppose further that it was very clear that those calls were the reason for his victory. How would you feel about that?

参考資料: https://www.facebook.com/IncheonAG2014.en/posts/745591302166879


Japanese have a strong aversion to unfairness in sports, so it is entirely possible that the Japanese fans might start booing the judges during the match. After the game, the comments may include “Don’t cheapen tennis!” or “Apologize to Nishikori” or “Nishikori shouldn’t participate in any more unfair tournaments!” or “This disgraceful tournament should be discontinued!”


That kind of reaction from Japanese who intensely dislike unfairness and put a premium on sportsmanship would probably be considered “normal” by Japanese standards. In the event of such disgraceful unfairness, it would probably become quite difficult to obtain main sponsors for the event because of possible damage to their corporate image. This is all a hypothetical based on what would likely happen in Japan.





In the world of international sports, there are frequent cases of questionable calls by judges. Such allegations are made almost every time in the Olympics or the FIFA World Cup. For your information, in international tennis tournaments a system called “Hawk-Eye” has been adopted to prevent missed calls by judges, but even this system has sometimes produced flawed results. It is impossible to achieve perfection whether using well-trained people or the most advanced electronic systems, so we are left to conclude that missed calls are an inevitable if unfortunate part of sports.

How many causes can there be for missed calls?

1、審判の能力不足 Judges’ lack of skill

 審判が競技のルールを熟知していなかったり、十分な判定能力を持っていない場合は、誤審が生まれる場合があります。ホークアイの例はこれに含まれるでしょう。しかしこのような場合は、一連の誤審の結果として特定の選手やチームばかりが有利(もしくは不利)になるケースは、確率的に低いはずです。It is entirely to be expected that there will be missed calls if the judges do not fully understand the rules or don’t have the requisite ability to make timely judgments. The Hawk-Eye example is actually included in this. However, in the case of Hawk-Eye, at least the missed calls have a very low statistical probability of being biased toward one player or team.

2、審判が意図的に一方だけに有利(もしくは不利)な判定を行う Judges intentionally make calls favorable (or unfavorable) to one side.

 例えば審判本人が「錦織選手のファンだから」とか「日本が好きだから」といった個人的理由で、意図的に錦織選手に有利な判定ばかりを出したとしたら? そんな人間は審判失格です。資格をはく奪して競技の世界から永久追放すべきです。
For example, what if a judge intentionally made calls favorable to Nishikori because he himself was a fan of Nishikori or happened to especially like the country of Japan? That person is not qualified to be a judge. His credentials should be cancelled, and he should be permanently banned from the sport.

 次に、もし審判が何者かに買収されていて「意図的な誤審」を行った場合は? 審判の過失ではなく故意の場合は「誤審」ではなく「不正判定」と呼ぶべきでしょうか。当然、そのような人も審判失格ですから、処分すべきです。
Next, what if a judge were bribed by someone to make intentionally wrong calls? The “wrong calls” should be considered “unfair calls” if they are intentional rather than a result of the judge’s negligence. Of course, such a person is not qualified to be a judge and should be treated accordingly.

It goes without saying that in order to assure that the same corruption will not be repeated, not only should the judge be punished, but there should be a vigorous investigation into what people or organizations orchestrated the bribes and what secret agreements they made.

1988年 盗まれた金メダル事件:ロイ・ジョーンズ・ジュニア vs 朴時憲

Sports are “games” where the contestants ostensibly compete fairly according to a set of rules. Therefore, people who think that they should win at all costs, including by unfair means and violations of the rules, do not have the qualifications to compete in sports. If they intentionally break rules in a narrow-minded attempt to avoid the embarrassment of defeat, the unfair play itself exposes their narrow-mindedness to the whole world, resulting in unredeemable shame (a beautifully Japanese expression!). They need to learn early on that a graceful loss is infinitely more desirable.

That being said, it is easier to understand players who break the rules. There are still anachronistic countries where someone who wins a gold medal will be guaranteed a life of ease.

But I simply cannot understand the thinking of people who would bribe judges. People who engage in such foul play not only bring disgrace on the players and coaches involved, but they leave a widespread legacy of corruption for the next sports generation. I’m just guessing, but I think most right thinking people would agree it is highly unlikely that their intellect can grasp this reality.

日韓W杯での審判買収疑惑 FIFA元副会長、鄭夢準氏が微妙な発言


1、不正判定のせいで負けた選手やチームは、本来の実力を正当に評価される機会を奪われました。Players and teams who lose because of unfair calls are deprived of the opportunity to receive proper recognition for their skills and achievements.

2、不正判定のお陰で思わぬ勝利を得た選手は、努力を続けてもっと強くなろうという気持ちを奪われます。それに加えて機会がある度に「不正判定で勝った選手」と軽蔑され、一生侮辱されるかも知れません。Players who achieve unexpected victories because of unfair calls are deprived of the motivation to work harder to become even stronger. In addition, they may be looked down upon throughout their lives as players or teams who won because of unfair calls.

3、不正判定が行われた競技のファンは、その競技に対する信頼や情熱、興味そのものを失うかも知れません。The fans of sports where there were unfair calls may lose their passion for, trust, and even interest in the sport itself.

4、祖国の「不正判定で勝った選手」に憧れていた子供や若者は、ヒーローを失うか、正義感を失うか、その両方を失います。The children and young people who were home fans of the players who won by unfair calls may be deprived of heroes, or they may lose a sense of rightness and justice, or both.

5、「不正判定で勝った選手」の祖国は、そのような不正をやめない限り、徐々に「平気で不正を行う国家」として認知されるようになり、いずれ必ず、全世界の人々から軽蔑されるようになります。If the country of the players who won by unfair calls does not abandon the unfairness, it will gradually become seen as a country where unfairness is accepted, resulting in international scorn.


6、「平気で不正を行う国家」のスポーツ選手たちの多くが、上達しようと真剣に努力する価値や意義を見失い、やがて空しさを感じるようになります。Players from countries where unfairness is the norm lose a sense of the value or meaning of working hard to improve and become better.

7、「平気で不正を行う国家」の国民で、過去に必死で努力した結果、実力で勝利やメダルを獲得してきたスポーツ選手までもが、数十年後には「どうせ昔も不正判定があったんでしょ」などと、言われなき侮辱を受けるようになります。Even the sports figures of a country where unfairness is the norm but who have achieved medals through honest and hard work will suffer the unforgivable humiliation of having it said of them ten years down the road that “There was unfairness even back then.”

8、「平気で不正を行う国家」に生まれた国民は、このような不正を見聞きする度に、祖国を狂信的に愛し続けるか、自分自身も不正手段を使って利益を得ようとするか、祖国に愛想を尽かして逃げ出すのかの、選択を迫られます。Citizens born into a country where unfairness is the norm, when confronted with the reality of such unfairness, will be faced with the choices of retreating into fanatical patriotism, using unfair advantage for themselves, or else becoming disgusted with and abandoning their own country.

When the citizens of a country where unfairness is the norm become disgusted and abandon their own country, the only people left will be people with fanatical patriotism or people who operate only on the principles of unfairness, and that country will eventually collapse.

参考資料: http://www.iza.ne.jp/topics/world/world-2700-m.html


The lives of judges who engage in bribery, as well as the futures of their families, will also be affected in various ways, but let’s leave that topic for another time.

Finally, I have just one request of people who engage in bribery of judges or otherwise unfairly try to influence the outcome of sporting events, and those who might continue to do so in the future.

Please have the common courtesy not to identify yourself with the rest of the human race.
