加茂市長「小中学生はなるべく自転車に乗るな」 専門家「教育機会を奪うな」
Mayor of Kamo City: Elementary and Junior High School Kids Should Not Ride Bicycles
Specialists: Don’t Deprive Them of an Educational Opportunity


上の記事を読みました。私は「教育の機会を奪うな」と主張する専門家たちの意見を全面的に支持します。この市長は全体主義者ですか? 過保護もいい加減にしなさい! 事故を本気で無くしたいのであれば、子供の安全教育や事故対策など、行政に出来る・すべきことはたくさんありますよ。あのね、市長さん。考え方の方向性が根本的にオカシイです。
I read the above article, in which the mayor of Kamo City, Niigata Prefecture opines that elementary school children should be prohibited from riding bicycles for safety reasons. I completely agree with the specialists who argue “Don’t deprive the children of an educational opportunity.” Is this mayor a totalitarian? There are limits to overprotection by the nanny state. If he really wants to eliminate accidents, there are lots of other things the city can and should do such as education regarding safety, etc.

In the first place, whether or not it is dangerous to ride a bicycle is something to be decided not by the mayor but by the parents. And the parents should bear the risk of accidents. It is not the responsibility of the government or schools to interfere unnecessarily. They should mind their own business.

The essence of education is to foster the ability to make proper judgments in children. Judgment means to compare various circumstances and experiences, and then make a choice on your own. Thus, mistakes are inevitable. If you don’t give a child the chance to make mistakes, he or she will never develop a capacity for judgment.

You learn to ride a bicycle by falling down over and over, and having children ride bicycles is an ideal way to teach those children to take challenges without fearing failure. A person who doesn’t learn how to ride a bicycle when he or she is young doesn’t suddenly become able to ride a bicycle safely simply because he or she has become an adult. In ten years, you will have more and more adults who can’t ride well, which will make the streets much more dangerous.

From an environmental perspective, bicycles are an ideal method of transportation. If children are not allowed to ride bicycles, many parents will probably take their children to school in the car. That is not just a waste of gasoline, but also the time and efforts of parents.

In addition, riding a bicycle is an ideal form of exercise. It develops not just muscles but also a sense of balance. For children who of late spend all their time playing video games at home and never play outside, this may their only chance for physical exercise.





And even if they do go to a park to play, riding bicycles and playing ball is prohibited, so of late you can see groups of children sitting in swings or on the grass playing video games. Don’t people who make avoidance of trouble their first priority and prohibit various things think about the harmful effects of such prohibitions?




No one who reads these signs is going to think: “Promising children are being raised up with healthy minds and healthy bodies! They are the hope of the future!”