A Suggestion concerning Treatment for Tobacco Addiction

A few years ago I wrote a series of articles for a magazine, and one of the articles was about the health dangers of tobacco. In the article I argued that treatment for tobacco addiction should be covered by the national health insurance. Now, several years later, the national health insurance does cover treatment for tobacco addiction.


Judging from the circulation of the magazine, I doubt that anyone at the Ministry of Health and Labor read my article or actually took action based on it, but if the number of tobacco addicts could be reduced by this treatment, then many serious illnesses caused by tobacco could be prevented. While in the short run the expenses for the health insurance cooperatives may go up, over the long term this will no doubt lead to an overall reduction in health care outlays.


This wasn’t included in the article, but I am of the opinion that treatment for tobacco addiction should be totally free and mandatory for minors. The present system at high schools where students are expelled or suspended, etc. does no good for the student or society. It may have a slight deterrent effect, but the only effect of expulsion or suspension (with the aim of getting the student to leave school on his or her own) is to enable the school to get rid of troublesome students.


Because smoking by minors usually results from youthful indiscretion, high schools, junior high schools, and if possible elementary schools should provide more serious education on the dangers of smoking. I suggest that students who voluntarily report that they are smoking be spared the above sanctions in favor of compulsory and free tobacco addiction treatment.


Japan is short on many natural resources, but it can take pride in its biggest asset, “human resources” (jinzai). This could also be called “human assets” (also jinzai, but written with a different character). Especially in this age of decreasing population, we should not be actively pushing our valuable Japanese young people toward dropout status. The work of schools is to teach and train people. They should not unilaterally abandon that mission, discarding young people with the potential to become very valuable “human assets” into a situation where they become “humans merely existing” (also jinzai, but again written with different characters), or worse yet, “humans whose existence itself is hard to justify” (also jinzai, but again written with different characters).



We know that of late young people are not just smoking, but using stimulant drugs, etc. On the topic of drugs, some time ago I introduced on this blog a true story which was made into a novel (see above URL). I have known the author, Aiki Douglas Kawamitsu, since he was very young, and the novel is about the experience of his friend. The stage for the tragic case depicted in the novel is Japan, not the United States. By bringing it up again, I know I risk having you think “Oh, no. That American Kent is preaching again,” but I believe strongly that the Japanese government should take urgent action so that Japan does not become like the United States on this issue of drugs.

Heart Prints ~命の花~/文芸社
