CRM at Tokyo Immmigration Bureau


In the past, the Immigration Bureau was the one place in Japan I disliked most. Especially when it was located in one of the old government buildings in Ohte-machi, it was small, the waiting times were long, the air conditioning was insufficient, and it truly had the dirtiest rest rooms in Japan. To top it off, the attitude of the employees was horrible.



They all looked like they were thinking “Why in the world have you come to Japan!?” If you get unpleasant service, it puts you in a bad mood, too. Many times I thought “What if you were to say ‘Welcome to Japan!’ once in a while.” While I’m on this topic, let me say the parking lot was totally insufficient, too.

The rest of this posting describes the Tokyo Immigration Bureau. A few years ago, a new building was built on reclaimed land in Shinagawa. First of all, the building is beautiful, the air conditioning is sufficient, it has escalators, there is even a place for children to play while waiting, it is spacious, there are enough employees so that the waiting time is not too long, and there is a convenience store on the first floor where you can eat lunch, but most of all the service of the employees is completely different.


東京入国管理局は、いつの間にか全く様変わりをしていました! 今では、職員は絶えず笑顔で対応しています。不気味なくらいです。来庁する外国人が興奮していても、たとえ逆立ちしながら叫んだとしても、きっと職員は常に微笑んでいて、冷静に対応してくれます。
Sometime when I wasn’t paying attention, the whole Tokyo Immigration Bureau did a total makeover. Now, the employees always smile. It’s almost eerie. If a foreigner visiting the bureau gets upset, or even if he stands on his head and screams, the employees never stop smiling and handle the situation calmly and professionally.

I am totally impressed. Even if I get a little impatient, it helps me stay calm when I get that kind of service. Of course the Meguro Ward Office and the Meguro Tax Office, which I use regularly, give good service, but it cannot compare in any way with the service at the Tokyo Immigration Bureau.

これこそいわゆるCRM(Customer Relations Management)だと思います。いつ、どこで、誰が、職員にそのような訓練をしてくれたのか知りませんが、絶対に日本に対する外国人のイメージアップになっているはずです。だって、ある意味では日本の入り口なので、日本についての第一印象を与える場所でもあります。
This is so-called CRM (Customer Relations Management). I don’t know when, or by whom, or where these employees got their training, but I’m certain that this leads to an improved image of Japan for foreigners. After all, in some respects this is the “entrance” to Japan, and it is the place where people get their first impression of Japan.

In the comments on yesterday’s posting, some people noted the procedures can be a lot of trouble, and sometimes they are, but it’s easy to be patient if the service is good. The procedures have actually been simplified and relaxed quite a bit compared with before.

However, the first time I went to the new bureau building, I couldn’t find the main entrance and went in the wrong entrance. I opened a steel door on the side of the building and went in. The atmosphere was entirely different. It was cold, harsh, and tense. Upon checking, I realized that this was the place where they handle people who have overstayed their visa or committed other violations. I caught on immediately, left that room, and finally found the main entrance. I never want to go in there again


I have gone on and on praising this place, but there is just one problem: the parking. It’s in a place where you need to take a bus from Shinagawa Station, but the parking lot is small and never has any empty spaces, and there are very few public parking lots in the area (usually none). Since the streets are quite wide, I wish they would at least install some parking meters on the street. On the other hand, these are high class worries brought about because I insist on driving instead of using public transportation, so it’s hard to get too emotional about this issue.

関連記事: 在日外国人の義務(二カ国語)