
Tonight I participated in an exchange meeting of the "Original Human Network Seminar" hosted by Mr. Yuichi David Torii. It was held in a perfect location in a high-rise condominium overlooking Fuji TV in the middle, Gate Bridge to the right, and Rainbow Bridge to the left.


皆さん、「ナマズ」 が本当に美味しいって知ってましたか? 川魚っぽい生臭さなど一切なくて、まるでフグのような上質な白身魚でした。
Do you know how good Namazu (Catfish) tastes? It doesn't have the fishy smell usually associated with a river fish, but seems more like a high-grade white fish like Fugu (Blowfish).


鳥居さんが自ら握ってくれた寿司も美味しかったし、ナマズの唐揚げも最高でした。これは新発見です! ちなみに、日本古来のナマズとは種類が違うみたいでした。昨日、群馬県で釣ってきたそうです。
Mr. Torii made some into hand-rolled sushi himself, which was very good, and the deep fried Namazu was delicious. This was a new discovery for me. Incidentally, this fish is a different type from the traditional Japanese Namazu. Mr. Torii caught the fish himself in Gunma Prefecture yesterday.


プロマジシャンによるクローズアップマジックも驚きの連続! ヨーロッパチャンピオンの日向大祐さん、貴重な体験をありがとうございました。
The close-up magic performance of professional magician and European champion Daisuke Hyuga was one surprise after another! Thanks to Mr. Hyuga.

I was able to meet several different people for the first time, and meet up again with a few old friends. The whole experience left me thinking that I should make time to participate in these kinds of events whenever possible.
