Early Horror Stories

Many people ask me what memories I have about my debut television program “How Much for the Whole World,” and especially about anything I may have flubbed up, so today I will write a little bit about that. For young readers who have never even heard of that TV show, ask your boss or parents or someone over 45 to explain.


When people are young, especially when they enter puberty around junior high school age, they want to hide their mistakes forever and won’t talk to anyone about them. However, as they progress into adulthood, they realize that life is much easier when they actively share stories of mistakes with friends and laugh together about them. I think that if you cannot understand this mentality, you have not reached emotional adulthood no matter your actual age, although I realize that anyone who fits into this category would probably counter that it’s none of my business.

Here are some problems I had on “How Much for the Whole World.” At first, I couldn’t keep pace with Beat Takeshi, either his thinking or how fast he spoke. By the time I understood what he had said, it was too late for me to make any comment. I had to work hard at it, but once I got used to his pace, it became extremely fun.


Here is the main incident I want to relate. One time I made a really big mistake during the filming. The question was about the price of some Scandinavian furniture, but I couldn’t hear the question very well so I didn’t really understand the question. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I wrote down a random price and made a sloppy comment. After the recording, Mr. Hayashi, the director from East (the production company) chased me down. He was very upset.

「ケント、さっきの答えは何だったの? 全く的外れでちんぷんかんぷんだから、その部分を編集する(=カットする)しかない。もし問題が分からないときは、補足説明をしっかり聞きなよ。この番組の回答者席はたった5席しかいなくて、お前はその1つに座っているのだから、番組の20%を持ってもらわないと困るよ!」
He said, “Kent, what was that answer?! You were completely off base with your answer, and your comment was mumbo jumbo. I’ll have to edit out that section. If you don’t understand the question, then ask for an explanation. There are five seats for panelists on this show, and you occupy one of those seats. We expect you to carry 20% of the program!”

I felt sorry for letting the producers down, but at the same time I felt really happy. The reason is because this tongue lashing included a welcome message that they believed I could perform on the same level as the other panelists. I realized again that there was no need to hold back or hesitate just because I was a foreigner. Mr. Hayashi, thank you for that lecture.


Just for your interest, the MC, Ohashi Kyosen, and his assistant, Nishimura Chieko, had their own dressing rooms, but the rest of the guests and regulars on the program did not have their own dressing rooms (except for an occasional special guest who might need to put on a kimono or something like that). We all gathered in a large room adjacent to the studio 30 minutes before the taping began and had a fun time getting ready.

I say “getting ready,” but there was no script and no briefing of any kind, so it was just changing clothes and putting on makeup. During that time, I was able to have great conversations with various artists, entertainers, cultural figures and people in the industry. That 30 minutes before the filming was an invaluable time for me.
