
Today I will share some more episodes from when I first came to Japan.


When I first came to Japan, aside from the language, I also struggled a little bit with everyday living. For example, the first time I saw a Japanese style toilet, I had no idea how to use it, so I just sat down on it like a Western toilet rather than squatting.


There was no central heating, and this was the first time I had seen a kerosene heater. One day I set my wet shoes on top of the heater to dry them out, and of course my shoes got fried.


0920-02 At New Years we were invited to someone’s house. There was a large, dark blob of something which looked like jelly. I assumed it was cranberry jelly, which I really like, but when I took a big bite, it was black bean paste (anko). I have never recovered from that trauma and still don’t really like anko.


However, the first time I ate sashimi (raw fish) I thought it was really good. (Originally I wrote "sushi" in English, but I meant "sashimi.") Another time, my companion thought he would play a joke on me and feed me some gyoza, but I actually thought that was good, too, so he was really disappointed.


博多弁ver アナと雪の女王 完全版 http://youtu.be/dhbwi861fBo

Although the people in Fukuoka spoke in Hakata dialect, they spoke standard Japanese to us. That’s why I never learned Hakata dialect. However, when I later lived in Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, I picked up Nagasaki dialect.


この世の地獄 (閲覧注意): http://www.chinoike.com/helltour.html

In those days we didn’t have heat or cooling in our rooms. Winter was rough, but summer was relatively pleasant because there were fans everywhere. This year the air conditioning in my house in Tokyo broke down, and it was like living hell for a week until I could get it repaired. I couldn’t help thinking to myself, “Why was the summer heat not such a big deal back then?”. http://www.chinoike.com/img/pamphlet_en.jpg


I was surprised at the crowds. The trains, sidewalks, and everywhere were crowded with people. I marveled that so many people could live together in such density. I did, however, think that it was very efficient that way. The busses and streetcars (in those days there were no subways, expressways, or bullet trains) ran on time, and when you had an appointment with someone, they were generally very punctual.


On the other hand, Fukuoka City had just begun widening the streets, so traffic was horrible. By the way, I got my Japanese driver’s license in Kyushu. I have renewed it over and over and am still using that license.


After that I was assigned to Kitakyushu City, and we lived on the third floor of a sushi shop facing a national highway. All the trucks traveling from Kyushu to Honshu passed in front of our house. Of course the exhaust, noise, and dust were awful.



In the summer we had the windows open all the time. We would wash the dishes after breakfast, but we would have to wipe them off again before we could use them for lunch. If we hung the laundry out to dry on the roof for more than an hour, we would have the wash the clothes again. Those were the peak years for the steel mills in Yahata, and Japan had not yet begun to tackle the issues of environment and pollution.



During the two years of my mission, I spent two months in Yanai City, Yamaguchi Prefecture during September and October when fruits and vegetables are in season and the temperature is perfect. It was then that I was able to begin to appreciate the natural beauty of Japan.



There is an island called Ohshima just off the coast, and one day we rode the bus until it ended, and then walked around the island looking for a certain person. The rice fields were not square like they are now, but were arranged like stairs all the way up the mountains. It was truly an impressive sight, almost unreal, as if it had come straight out of a photograph.


The tangerines (mikan) were just starting to turn orange. Around lunch time, we asked for directions at someone’s house, and that person, whom we had never met before, invited us into their house and fed us a delicious lunch. This cemented in my mind the image of the “good old days” in Japan.


In those days, we never rang a doorbell. We just opened the unlocked door, stepped into the entry (genkan), and called out “gomen kudasai.” (In Fukuoka City this had become impossible, but in all the other areas where I served, this was still common practice.)



The other day I was talking with an American friend. We discussed how Japan (or more precisely, Tokyo) has become so easy to live in. Prices have gone down, and city has been thoroughly modernized in every respect. But we both commented that “It was a lot more fun in the old days.”


That may be because even just daily living in Japan was a huge adventure for us back then.