
Tonight I went with my friends Masahiro Sawamura and Masashi Takashina to a regular meeting of "Kibou Nippon no Kai" [loosely translated: "Hope for Japan Institute"].


The founder of this institute is Tsutomu Shida, one of the leading self-made men from the post-war generation, and a man whom I personally admire greatly for his success in building the Shidax Group in one generation.

When I actually met him for the first time tonight, he was a wonderful person who seemed to personify the old saying "The heads of rice that bear the most grain hang lowest" that I learned a long time ago from an old Japanese friend.

I may just be assuming this, but when a man who does not crave the limelight, like Mr. Shida, goes to such lengths to form an institute called "Kibou Nippon no Kai", he must feel that Japan is in a critical enough condition to require urgent action now to do something about its future.


While it was a very worthwhile evening, it was also an evening which left me truly frustrated about the fact that I do not have Japanese voting rights, which are the ultimate right to express your will.

Don't get me wrong. Generally, I am not in favor of voting rights for foreigners. However, all you Japanese who do have voting rights need to go to the polls and fully exercise those rights.

Facebook「希望日本の会」 : https://www.facebook.com/kibou.nippon?fref=ts