Why Missionaries on Bicycles Wear Helmets

In the comments on my posting yesterday, someone pointed out that missionaries riding bicycles wear helmets. Let me explain how that came to be.



When I was a missionary, we also rode bicycles, but we weren’t allowed to have bicycles with gears because we would go too fast and that would be dangerous. There was a side effect to that, however. One day when I was riding my bicycle slowly on the national highway from Minami Kokura to Yahata in Kitakyushu City, the driver of a large truck ran me off the road. I truly feared for my life, so we bought monthly passes for the streetcars and didn’t ride our bicycles too much.

When I later served in Sasebo, we didn’t have bicycles. The city was all hills and stairs that were very hard to climb on a bicycle, and coming down was truly dangerous, so we weren’t allowed to have bicycles at all.

The only time I had a bicycle with gears was when I was serving in Yanai City, Yamaguchi Prefecture. There was little public transportation, the roads were relatively safe, and it was mostly flat. Some days we would ride 20 or 30 kilometers.

After I started working in Tokyo, I was in charge of the Church’s legal work for 18 years. A large part of our practice was taking care of missionary bicycle accidents. At one point, a missionary was actually killed riding his bicycle down a hill in Sasebo. I was shocked. After all, we were prohibited from even having bicycles in Sasebo.

One day when I was thinking about this accident, it came to me that the missionaries should be wearing helmets for safety reasons. I proposed this to the Church, and almost immediately this rule was put in place for all of Japan. Eventually it was applied to missionaries throughout the world.

数年後、我々の選択が正しかったことを証明する事件が起きました。私の次男Brett Gilbertも日本で伝導したのですが、ある日、新潟県長岡市で信濃川の長岡バイパスの大橋を自転車で渡っていました。突然橋の下から現れたコウモリの群れに気を取られた息子は、道を逆走して来た自転車を上手く避けられず、二台は正面衝突しました。時速25~30キロで走っていた息子は転倒して、コンクリートの縁石で頭を強く打ちました。橋の様子はここで確認できます。


A few years later, an accident happened which proved that our decision was right. My son, Brett, while serving as a missionary in Japan, was one day riding his bicycle across the Nagaoka By-pass bridge over the Shinano River in Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture. He was distracted by a swarm of bats that had flown out from under the bridge, and while he was looking at the bats, he collided, head-on, with a bicyclist who was riding on the wrong side of the bridge. Brett fell from his bicycle and struck his head on the concrete curb at a speed of approximately 25-30 km/h. You can see the divider here: http://goo.gl/TCs3FV

Brett was knocked unconscious for a brief period, but aside from a few scrapes and a large bruise on his pelvis, he was otherwise unharmed. Without a helmet to cushion the blow to his head, Brett would either have been dead or severely injured.

As a side note, Brett mentioned to me that the bats in Nagaoka were strangely attracted to his helmet, and sometimes, while he was riding his bicycle, bats would swoop down and attack it! It must be that the bats were attracted to the helmet's interesting shape by echolocation.