

2003年、American National Corpus(米国言語統計ANC)は「単語頻度表Frequency」をリリースしました。これは、1990年以降全米の新聞・雑誌・テレビ・ラジオからインターネット・メール・SNSまで、あらゆる分野で使われた50万単語、延べ1億語を統計処理したものです。




頻度準 Order of Frequency: http://www.jamsystem.com/ancdicfreq.html

アルファベット順 Alphabetical Order: http://www.jamsystem.com/ancdic.html

Among the English vocabulary words which Japanese students learn for their college entrance exams, there are many unusual words which we native speakers may use only once during our lifetime. In other words, the English vocabulary words used in the entrance exams and the words used frequently in English-speaking countries are completely different.

In 2003, the American National Corpus was released. It ordered 500,000 vocabulary words from a database of 100,000,000 words used after 1990 in the United States in newspapers, magazines, television, radio, internet, mail, and SNS according to their frequency of usage.My friend’s company then analyzed the data into 28,000 words and has just released the “English-Japanese Frequency Dictionary Based on the ANC” for free on the internet. I think you will find it very interesting. Of course, it is free.

If there are words that you learned for the entrance examinations which are not included on this 28,000 word list, I can only say that you must have been a very diligent student in studying for your exams, and you deserve to be praised for your efforts. Please let us know of any such vocabulary words that you find in the comments below!