When Are You Going back to America? Part 2

 In the last post, I discussed why the question “When are you going back to America” seemed peculiar to me, but there is one more reason.


 I actually own both my home in Japan and my home in the U.S. Thus, no matter which home I go back to, I feel that I am at home.

 Expanding on this idea, at the present time my oldest son is working as an attorney in California, but his wife and three children are on an extended summer vacation to her native Thailand. My second son works in Tokyo, but his wife and five children will leave next week for an extended summer vacation in Utah until August. My third son and his wife live in Alaska. My wife spends time alternately in the U.S. and Japan. Under these circumstances, to where exactly would you say I should return?

orem01  どうせ全員がフェイスブック、電子メール、スカイプ、交際電話等でほぼ毎日やりとりをしているので、日本とアメリカの国境が全く意味をなさない状態です。
 After all, we all communicate almost every day by Facebook, email, Skype, or international telephone calls, so the whole concept of a national border between Japan and the U.S. is more or less meaningless to us.

 Let me tell you about an interesting “incident.” Several years ago, Delta Airlines opened a new route from Tokyo to Portland. I was very happy because I could avoid the crowded San Francisco or Los Angeles airports (because in order to get to Utah, it is necessary to change planes somewhere on the west coast). There were always empty seats, which was very nice for me, but I was afraid that if this situation continued, the route would be discontinued, so I made suggestions to the airline several times on how to increase passengers. However, the airline never listened to anything I said.

 As expected, the airline used the terrorist attacks in New York as an excuse to discontinue this route. Later, when Delta and Northwest Airlines merged, the route was revived, but what I wanted to tell you here happened before that.

 Since I have a home both in the U.S. and in Japan, I have a full set of clothing and personal items in both locations, and when I travel I don’t usually carry much baggage. Sometimes I would travel with just a small carryon case.

 After a while, I realized that I was being scrutinized carefully upon entry and exit from Portland Airport. When I would arrive in the U.S., dogs would smell me up two or three times, and even though there are no exit procedures in the U.S., sometimes the authorities would be waiting at the door of the airplane as I boarded the aircraft to Japan and ask only me how much cash I was carrying. In short, I was being targeted as a suspected carrier for illegal imports or exports.


 ある日、腹が立ったので「私を特別に調べている理由は何ですか?」と聞いたら、一枚の紙(説明資料)を渡されました。これには流石アメリカだと思いました! また、別のときは、私が「両方の国に家を持っている弁護士が、荷物なしで頻繁に行ったり来たりするからといって、なぜそんなにしつこく調べるのですか?」と言ったところ、「だって、それ自体が怪しいじゃないですか?」と言われました。その答えには、不本意ながら私も納得しました。
 One day this bothered me more than usual, so I asked the officials “Why are you investigating me so thoroughly?” and to their credit, they provided me on the spot with an explanatory document! On another occasion, I asked them “When an attorney who owns homes in both countries travels back and forth frequently without baggage, why do you go after him (me) so tenaciously?” They answered, “Don’t you find that pattern of behavior a little suspicious?” Reluctantly, I had to agree that they made a good point.

 Yes, this may not be normal. However, this is normal for my family and me, and I think that for many of my expatriate friends who work for foreign firms in Japan, national borders don’t hold much meaning. I think that of late this probably applies to a large number of Japanese people, too.

 In the future, just what will be the meaning of national borders?