How to Choose Health Food Supplements



 The U.S. is considered an advanced country in terms of health food supplements where the use of vitamins and other supplements came into wide use beginning in the 1970s, but most Japanese consumers are still manipulated by little supplement “booms” created through television advertising, etc. This is undoubtedly because, although large numbers of people want to take something to maintain or improve their health, they lack knowledge about how to choose products.

 There was a good section on this issue in the “Preventive and Alternative Medicine Counselor Text” which I had on my bookshelf, so I have excerpted, added to, and revised the article here.


We all know something about health food supplements, but most of us don’t really understand them. Japan is inundated with about 3,000 different supplements.

 The actual motivation for buying supplements is usually something rather simple, such as the recommendation of a friend, product name value, being an old and established product, repeated advertisements, a famous expert recommends it, the product was the subject of a book, etc. Unfortunately, best-selling products are not necessarily effective or good for the body. If the sales method is unique or there are high returns for the seller, it is only a slight exaggeration to say that the product will probably sell well so long as it is not poisonous. Products which are sold by foreign companies or large companies or well-capitalized companies, or products with trendy advertising, tend to sell well. But just because a supplement has been around for a long time does not necessarily mean it is very good, and conversely, just because something has been developed only recently does not necessarily mean it is a bad product either.

 Essentially, health food supplements are taken for the purpose of maintaining health and preventing illness, but recently taking supplements as an alternative therapy for curing illness has also received a great deal of notice. In any event, the consumer needs to choose the supplement which he or she needs most. With 3,000 products to choose from, finding the best product it is not easy. Some criteria are needed to identify the most appropriate product. For example, I propose (1) the reason for taking the supplement, (2) types of ingredients and amount of each nutrient contained in the product, and (3) balance with other nutrients. A high price does not mean that a product will be effective, and a low price does not mean that it will not be effective. And it does not follow that taking all kinds of different products will be effective, either.

(1) どういう目的で摂るのか  Reason for Taking the Product

1. 自分はとりあえず健康だが、予防医学的見地からさらにこれを維持するために摂るのであれば、成分の種類と含有量や栄養のバランスのとれた複合タイプのマルチビタミン・ミネラルや良質のタンパク質や食物繊維などが良いです。
If you are reasonably healthy and want to take supplements to increase or maintain that health, then the answer is probably a multi-vitamin/mineral product with a sufficient amount and good balance of nutrients, together with a high quality protein product and dietary fiber product.


2. 美容やダイエットを目的とするならばプロティン(またはペプチド)や複合タイプのマルチビタミン・ミネラルやギムネマシルベスタなど。
If your goal is diet or beauty, then protein (or peptides), a multi-vitamin/product and perhaps Gymnema sylvestre, etc. are recommended.


3. 頭の働きをよくしたい、記憶力や集中力を上げたい、ということであればPSレシチンやマルチビタミン・ミネラル、プロティン、マグネシウム、カルシウム、オメガ3脂肪酸が良いです。
If you want to improve cognitive ability, memory, or concentration, then you probably need PS lecithin, a multi-vitamin/mineral product, protein, magnesium, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acid.

4. 不足気味の栄養素を補給したいということであれば、その不足している栄養素が最も多く含まれているものを摂り入れると良いです。但し、日本人の場合はほとんどがビタミンかミネラルが不足しているので、単体のビタミンやミネラルよりバランスのとれる複合タイプのマルチビタミン・ミネラルが無難です。
If you want to supplement a deficiency in a certain nutrient, then you should take the product which contains the most of that nutrient. However, most Japanese are deficient to some degree in most basic nutrients, so it is probably safest to take a balanced multi-vitamin/mineral supplement rather than individual doses of certain vitamins or minerals,

5. 代替療法を目的として摂ろうとするならば、目的別のサプリメントを選べば良いですが、単体の栄養素よりも、その目的のために必要な複数の栄養素が含まれているものが良いでしょう。
If you are seeking an alternative therapy, then you should choose a supplement made for your condition. However, it should contain not just one nutrient, but a balance of all the nutrients needed for that condition.


 Given the current nutritional condition of the Japanese population (from a preventive medicine standpoint), the issue really boils down to finding supplements containing the basic essential vitamins and minerals. There are a little more than 40 vitamins and minerals, and if even one is missing, some sort of unhealthy symptom will manifest itself. Thus, before trying to find the best supplement for you from the 3,000 available, you need to know which vitamins or minerals your body is lacking. The problem is that unless you exhibit some symptom of illness or recognize some subjective symptom, in almost all cases you will not realize what is missing. It is impossible even for doctors to diagnose a deficiency without some visible symptoms or a blood test. And even if you did know what nutrients you lacked, it is extremely difficult to pick out the most appropriate supplement for you from the 3,000 available. Without exception, the vendors promoting supplements assert that their product is best. Lacking the knowledge needed to make an informed choice, consumers are left to base the choice on whether or not they believe what the vendor tells them. This all makes a credible case for purchasing and taking all 3,000 supplements, but clearly that is physically, physiologically, and economically impossible.

 An orthodox multi-vitamin/mineral supplement basically bundles all the needed nutrients from these 3,000 products into one. In most cases it is sufficient to meet almost all nutritional needs, and is the most economical alternative.

 If you add a high protein product and a high quality dietary fiber supplement, you should be able to achieve almost all your nutritional goals. You can then carefully select any other products needed for specific purposes.

Excerpts from “Preventive and Alternative Medicine Counselor Text (1)” published by U.S. NPO Society for Preventive and Alternative Medicine.