

This is the new curved mirror on the left side of the exit from the parking lot at the Yokota church. It was stolen several months ago, so this time we have installed one that is harder to steal.
curved mirror

いつから日本でカーブミラーが盗まれるようになったのでしょうか? 盗まれないのが日本のすごくいいところだと思っていたのに…。そもそも、こんなものを盗んでどう使うのでしょうか? 顔が歪んで見えるというのに…。

Since when did curved mirrors start getting stolen in Japan? I always thought the fact that they don’t get stolen was one of Japan’s really good points. And how do you use something like this after you steal it? It would make your face look really misshapen.