
Tonight three of us went out to dinner at a Japanese restaurant.


All three of us ordered dinners, so the first items delivered to the table were miso soup and green salad. I have never seen miso soup be the first item before.

その次はメインです。妻は天ぷらを注文しましたが、25個以上の天ぷらが富士山のように積み上がってました。 tempura01

Next was the main course. My wife ordered tempura. There were over 25 pieces of tempura stacked on the plate like Mt. Fuji.

This is her in the middle of eating the tempura. You will see that there are still lots of pieces left. In the end, she left a few pieces behind.

妻の従弟はテリヤキ牛焼肉に餃子も付いた定食を注文して、これほどの量にもかかわらず完食しました。 teriyaku+gyoza

My wife’s cousin ordered teriyaki yakiniku (beef) and gyoza. The portions were large, but he ate the whole thing.

私は、すき焼き定食を頼みました。生卵は付いてませんでした。かなり量が多かったので、やはり少し残しました。 sukiyaki

I ordered sukiyaki. Raw eggs were not available. It was a very large serving, so I actually left a little bit behind.


Each person paid $10.99 plus drinks, sales tax and tip. This was the evening menu, not the lunch menu, so it seemed like a very reasonable price. That may be one reason why the restaurant was full on a Tuesday evening


Yamato Restaurant is very popular with local Japanese food afficionados. The taste is just slightly Americanized, but we eat there quite often.