ginkgo tree


The building in the back is our garage. I planted a Ginkgo Biloba (Maidenhair) Tree in front of it. As far as I know, there is not one other Ginkgo tree in the city. This tree was planted 4 years ago, but it has hardly grown at all. When I looked this up, the book said that these trees may grow in height very slowly for several years after planting, but then grow at a moderate rate of 13 to 24 inches per year, finally reaching full height of 25 to 50 feet. The problem is this: how long should I wait?

ちなみに、木を植えるのに最高のタイミングはいつなのか知っていますか? それは、今から20年前です。

By the way, do you know when the best time is to plant a tree? Answer: Twenty years ago.