No Exchange!


 Have you, too, had the experience of needing a 1000 yen bill to get your car out of the parking lot, but only having 10,000 yen bills in your wallet? In this case, most people go to a convenience store and buy some cheap item with a 10,000 yen bill. Of course, we would prefer that the convenience store just make change for the 10,000 bill, but there is a sign at the register saying that they don’t make change, so that’s the only alternative. On the other hand, the store doesn’t hesitate to take a 10,000 yen bill for such a small purchase, so it is hard to complain.


 If you were to try this same thing at an American convenience store late at night, you would have trouble. For security reasons, there is usually only about twenty dollars in bills and change in the register. When the clerk receives a 20-dollar bill or larger amount, he or she deposits it into a machine, and money cannot be taken out of the cash register. It’s like Japanese busses. If you put a 1000 yen bill into the machine, it disappears and you get only the change back. It’s like that. The store clerk cannot open the machine.


 Suppose you give the clerk a 100 dollar bill (about 10,000 yen). The clerk will put the 100 dollar bill into the machine, but the machine will only give 20 dollars in change per minute. So, if you buy a one dollar item with a 100 dollar bill, you will need to wait at least five minutes for your change. No robber can afford to wait five minutes for 100 dollars.

 さて、例によって本題が後回しになりましたが、日本中の店に行くと「両替はいたしません」の下に英語で「No Exchange!」と書いてありますね。ほぼ例外なく、どこの店でもこの表現を用いています。しかしこれは、大変な誤解を招く表現です。

 All over Japan, stores post signs at their registers which say in English “No Exchange!” Almost all stores use this English, but this can create some big misunderstandings.


 In the first place, the exclamation point needs to be removed. It is impolite to emphasize the fact that the store is not going to provide some service. After all, if the Japanese on the sign ended in “yo” (the Japanese equivalent of an exclamation point), no customer would have a warm fuzzy feeling about the store as a result.


 Actually, “exchange” does not mean to make change, but rather to exchange one currency for another. Thus, the sign means only that goods cannot be purchased with dollars (or other foreign currency), or else that the store doesn’t engage in foreign exchange. Since the expression is mistaken, it would be normal for a foreign customer to be confused by it. I am sure that any person who has worked in a store for any length of time must have been asked at some point by a foreign customer to make small change.

 「両替はいたしません」であれば、正しくは「We Cannot Make Change」になります。「両替」は「change」であり、「両替する」は「make change」です。ちなみに「change」にはおつりという意味もあります。両替をしてもらいたい時、例えば「20ドル札をくずしていただけますか?」であれば、
「Can I get change for a 20 dollar bill?」
「Can you make change for a 20 dollar bill?」
「Can I change a 20 dollar bill?」

 The proper expression is “We Cannot Make Change.” By the way, “change” is also the word for o-tsuri (the change you get back when you give a larger amount of money than the purchase price). If you want someone to make change for a 20 dollar bill, the proper expression would be “Can I get change for a 20 dollar bill?” or “Can you make change for a 20 dollar bill?” or “Can I change a 20 dollar bill?” You probably can’t use these phrases at a convenience store, but you can use them at the bank.


 For purposes of international goodwill, I would like to see all the signs in Japan corrected.
