Help-Wanted Advertisements (3) Hiring People Infected with HIV

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In the previous posting, I promised to explain the handling of hiring of people infected with HIV. What I will discuss is of course the practice in the United States, and is based upon U.S. laws and court precedents. Let’s look at some concrete examples.

 A person with mental disabilities was diagnosed with HIV. In this case, the person’s employment could not be terminated because the risk of infecting others was deemed to be low.

 A fireman was found to be infected with HIV. However, it was determined that this disability would not interfere with his work and was disallowed as a reason to terminate his employment. In other words, it was found that he would be ”able to” perform the required work (see the preceding posting).

 A school teacher who was infected with HIV developed AIDS and was hospitalized for a time. His condition improved due to treatment and he tried to return to work after being released from the hospital, but the school refused to let him return. This decision was found to be improper. The reasoning was because at the time of the teacher’s release from the hospital, his doctor provided a report declaring that the teacher was “able to” perform the required work (again, see the preceding posting).

 A worker at a food processing facility was found to be infected with HIV, but the company was not allowed to terminate his employment. It is true that people with a communicable disease cannot engage in work where they handle food, but HIV is not classified as a communicable disease.

 The case of a nurse is a little more complicated. Some background is required here. In the United States, many young people use drugs (methamphetamines, marijuana, narcotics, etc.), so it is common to require a drug test before hiring even a part-time worker. If the company requires tests of only certain people, that is considered discrimination, but if all prospective or current employees are required to be tested, then there is no discrimination involved, and the prospective or current employee can be required to provide the test results to the company as a condition of employment or hiring.

A certain hospital required all nurses to be tested for HIV. Upon testing, one male nurse was found to have HIV. He was homosexual, and his former partner had actually died of AIDS. Since he was fearful of that information becoming public, he refused to provide the test results to the hospital. The hospital was thus able to terminate his employment. Ironically, if he had provided the test results to the hospital, the hospital would not have been able to terminate his employment. That is because he would still have been “able to” perform the work of a nurse, and the risk of transmission of the disease was deemed to be low.

 However, the case of an operation room assistant was different. It is true that an operation room assistant does not wield a scalpel, but operations can be a very bloody environment, and in the unlikely event that his blood were to mix with that of the patient, there would be no way to undo the damage. Therefore, the court determined that an operation room assistant with HIV was not permitted to perform that work.

Here is the conclusion. Infection with HIV is treated exactly the same as any other disability. There is no special treatment.

I have not looked into how these cases are handled in Japan, but it makes a person wonder about the guarantee in the Japanese Constitution of “the right to work.” In the very least, the fact that Ryuhei Kawada (an AIDS carrier) won election to the Upper House of the Diet a few days ago tends to indicate that the Japanese people are dissatisfied with the way the Japanese government has treated these kinds of human rights issues in the past.

 I didn’t intend to get so deeply into this subject, but once I started writing, I couldn’t stop. Although I will try to be more concise in the future, once in a while I may treat some subject at length in this blog. As a long-term resident of Japan, I have a deep interest in helping to create a just and fair society in Japan, and I want to provide any information which may lead to that result.