パネリスト 初投稿:2007-09-18


On September 15, 2007, I participate in a large-scale event in Shiga Prefecture called “Jinken Festa Shiga 2007” (“Human Rights Festival in Shiga 2007”). A large number of residents gathered for the various activities, including a concert by Agnes Chan.


I gave a forty-minute keynote speech, which was followed by a symposium where Nisuke Ando (Director of the World Human Rights Research Center Foundation), Noriko Takashima (Journalist), and I took to the stage to discuss human rights issues for about one hour and ten minutes.

印刷されたプログラムには私たちのことを「パネリスト」と書いていましたが、台本によると司会者は「パネラー」として紹介する予定でした。実は「パネラー」という英語はありません! これは和製英語です。「パネリスト(panelist)」が正しい英語です。

In the printed program, we were listed as “panelists,” but I saw from the script that the announcer was going to introduce us as “panelers.” For the record, “paneler” is not an English word in this meaning. It is Japlish. The correct English word is “panelist.”


When you think about it, people who put mayonnaise on everything are called “mayoraa,” and fans of Namie Amuro are called “Amuraa.” In Japanese it’s a fun expression, but I would hope that the correct expression would be used in this kind of formal setting.

結果的に私が指摘して、司会者は正しく表現しましたが、このような催し物に数多く参加する私としては、「パネラー」という表現を一日も早くこの世から抹殺したい気分です! だって、もし誰かがスペシャリストを「スペシャラー」、テロリストを「テロラー」と表現していたら、「違う!ちがう!なんで?」と叫びたくなりません?

In the end, I pointed this problem out, and the announcer used the correct expression, but as one of the many people participating in this kind of event, I would like to see this expression obliterated altogether! After all, if a specialist were called a “spesharaa” or a terrorist were called a “teroraa,” wouldn’t you also want to shout, “That’s wrong!”


Foreign words are rapidly being adopted into the Japanese language creating a flood of foreign-derived Japanese words (“gairaigo”), but we should be careful of clearly wrong expressions. I’ll let you know here the next time I run across this kind of expression.