31 icecream

 私を良く知る人は誰もがご存知なのですが、私はアイスクリームに目がありません。子供のころ、必ず2.5 ガロン(約9リットル)のアイスクリーム2~3種類を自宅の冷凍庫に置いていました! それはサーティーワンのショーケースに入っている大きさです。日本ではそんな大きな量で売っていないと思います。少なくとも、スーパー等で見かけたことがありません。最近はAM/PM(ファミリーマートに買収されましたが)で売っているクッキーをはさんだアイスクリームにハマっています。

Virtually everyone who knows me well is also aware that I am borderline addicted to ice cream. When I was a child, my father also liked ice cream, and we always had two or three 2 1/2 gallon (about 9 liter) containers of ice cream in the freezer at home. That is the size of containers in Baskin Robbins’ showcase. I don’t think they even sell such large containers in Japan. At least I have never seen one in a supermarket. Lately I have taken a liking to the ice cream sandwiches they sell at AM/PM convenience stores (recently bought out by Family Mart).


 Many years ago I lived on the third floor of a three-floor building in Kokura-City in Kyushu. On the first floor there was a sushi shop and a bakery, and the bakery sold soft ice cream. A small cone was 30 yen, and a large cone was 50 yen. Every day when I came home I would debate which one to buy. One day I actually calculated that if I bought the larger cone every day for an entire year I would be happy, and the difference would be only an extra 7,000 yen per year. So starting that day, I would buy a large cone to take up to the third floor to eat each day. Unfortunately, that line of thinking persists to this day. If I am going to buy ice cream, I had just as well buy the large size. And perhaps that is one reason that as of now I am about 12 kilograms over my ideal body weight.

 ところで、アイスクリームを入れる円錐形のワッフルをアイスクリームコーンといいますね。英語で書くと ice cream cone になります。英語では、その中身がソフトクリームであろうと、フローズンヨーグルトであろうと、普通のアイスクリームであろうと、全部同じ ice cream coneという言い方になり、表現を区別することはありません。つまり英語には、soft cream(ソフトクリーム)という表現がありません。

 In English we call the cone-shaped waffle an “ice cream cone.” No matter whether the contents are hard ice cream, soft ice cream, or frozen yogurt, the cone is an “ice cream cone.” And in English, we don’t say “soft cream” to refer to soft ice cream.

 さて、ここからが問題です。1975年、沖縄海洋博覧会の仕事をしていたときも、ソフトクリームをよく買っていました。何しろ沖縄は暑いですしね。会場内のどこの売店にも ice cream corn と書いてありました。少し不思議に思っていましたが、「なるほど!トウモロコシ(corn)でできたアイスクリームを世界の博覧会で紹介しているからだ!」と勝手に納得していました。最新の技術を紹介するのも博覧会だからだと。

 Which brings me to the point of this posting. When I was working at the Okinawa International Ocean Exposition in 1975, I bought lots of soft ice cream cones. It’s hot in Okinawa, after all. Every ice cream stand inside the park listed “ice cream corn.” It seemed a little funny to me, but I reasoned “OK. They must be selling ice cream made from corn.” After all, it is an international exposition which showcases the latest technology.


It was several years later before I realized that this was a case of mistaken English. They mistook “corn” for “cone,” the pronunciation of which is the same in Japanese. It would have been nice if they had consulted a English-Japanese dictionary before printing up all those signs.