

There are many things that foreigners find mysterious about Japan, but for me, I am especially intrigued by the strange names of buildings. As a simple example, “mansion” in English means “a large and imposing (one-family) residence,” whereas in Japanese it refers to an apartment building or multi-family condominium building.




When you go to America, please don’t say “I live in a rented one-room mansion.” The American will be thoroughly confused by the incongruous “rented,” “one-room,” and “mansion.” You can expect further questions, probably leading to a fair amount of embarrassment.




One of the most embarrassing ones I ever saw was “ASS No. 3 Building.” Even if I were to rent office space in this building, there is no way that I would list the name of the building on my name card. If you don’t understand why, then please look it up in a dictionary.


もっと酷いと思ったのは、「Alcoholic Apartment」でした。「アルコール中毒アパート」に一体誰が住むのか私には興味津々で、頭の中で色々なことを想像してしまいます。オーナーはよほどお酒が好きな人でしょう。もしかしたらお酒が飲めない人には貸してくれないのでしょうか。入居審査は大ジョッキの一気飲みだったりして?


But far and away the worst example I have ever seen was “Alcoholic Apartment.” I thought over and over about who would live in an apartment for people addicted to alcohol. The owner must have liked drinking. Or maybe he refuses to rent to people who don’t drink. In order to live there, do you need to prove yourself by drinking a large mug of beer in one gulp?

毎晩アパート主催の酒盛りに参加するのが住人に課せられた義務かも知れません。賃貸契約の規則にきっと盛り込まれているはずです。昼間から管理人が一升瓶を脇に抱えて、廊下を千鳥足でうろついている可能性もあります。アパートの名前一つから、笑える妄想があれこれ膨らんでしまいます。実はただ単に、オーナーは名前の意味が分からずに、設計士のいたずらだったのかも…。もしそうなら少しやり過ぎだと思いますが…。どなたか真相をご存知無いでしょうか! これ以上、私の変な妄想が膨らむのを止めて下さい!


Maybe all the residents are required to attend drinking parties held by the owner every night. This must be included in the rental contract. Perhaps the manager walks around the halls during the daytime carrying a full bottle of sake. You can spin all kinds of wild ideas just from the name. In fact, the owner probably just doesn’t understand the meaning of the name, so it must have been a trick played on him by the architect. If that’s the case, don’t you think the architect probably went a little overboard? Does anyone know the true story? I’m getting carried away. Let’s let this one go at that.


さて、先日は友人から文京区大塚6丁目に素晴らしいマンションがあると聞き、早速見に行きました。写真のとおり、「ケントマンション」でした! いやぁ~、これは最高のネーミングです。簡潔で品格があり、あとはこの建物が私の所有物であったなら、何の文句もありません。他にも友人に聞いた話では、経堂と渋谷に「ケントエステート」という不動産屋さんがあるそうです。残念ながらこちらも私がオーナーなわけではありません。


The other day, I heard from a friend that there was a beautiful “mansion” located in Bunkyo-ku, Otsuka 6-chome, so I went right over to see it. As you can see from the picture, the name is “Kent Mansion!” This is perfect naming. It’s pithy and has class. The only thing missing is that I am not the owner. Later I heard from a real estate broker friend that there are also apartment buildings located in Shibuya and Kyodo named “Kent Estate.” Unfortunately, I don’t own those buildings, either.




Are there any buildings in your neighborhood with unusual names?