



旦那さんはびっくりした、日本で歯の妖精がありません!えーん 今考えてみると、それは少し奇妙です。ゲッソリなぜ私たちは自分の歯に妖精を捧げるのですか?笑い泣き


Last night my daughter lost her first baby toothびっくり. She was really happy because she wants to meet the tooth fairy 爆笑!


In America and other foreign countries, when children lose their baby teeth, we have this superstition. Before you go to bed, you put your tooth under your pillow. Then, when you are sleeping, the tooth fairy comes! In the morning you will find a coin. So the "tooth fairy" didn't lose the tooth, we put her tooth in a bag ウインク.


My husband was surprised because in Japan you don't have the tooth fairy! えーん Now that I think about it, it is a little strange. ゲッソリ Why do we give our teeth to a fairy? 笑い泣き