AERA with Kids 2021 Summer - 阿部亮平 (EN, J) [前半] | winterpockyのブログ


後悔したくない。Snow Manの阿部亮平くんを全力で応援します。

前半を和英翻訳をさせていただきました。🙇‍♀️ 英訳をしながら、ネイティブの英語文法より、日本語文法的を書いてしまうことがあります。💦 また、間違いがあるかもしれまんので、ご了承ください。🙇‍♀️


日本語でインタビューを読みたいの方々は是非AERA with Kids 2021年夏号を購入してください。



Snow Man 阿部亮平 夏休みの自由研究はお天気日記に立体地図 「学ぶ楽しさが身についた」



I have translated the first half from Japanese to English. 🙇‍♀️ As I am translating, sometimes rather than native English grammar, I end up writing more Japanese grammar-like. 💦 Also, there may be errors so thank you for your understanding. 🙇‍♀️


You can read the original Japanese article at the official site above, but please note that Abe-kun's recommended suggestions/tips for studying are not there.


AERA with Kids 2021 Summer Issue
Snow Man Abe Ryohei


A childhood where I acquired the joy of learning


Johnny's Snow Man's Abe Ryohei-san, who completed graduate studies at Sophia University and has his weather forecaster qualification, is also very active on quiz shows and such right now. In "AERA with Kids 2021 Summer Issue", we interviewed plenty about Abe-san's childhood where his studies & talents were allowed to bloom and about the relationship with his parents and such.


Interview/Text: Editorial Department

Photos: Higashiyama Tetsuya (Photograph Department)

Hair/Make-up: Komiyama Yuka (IKEDAYA TOKYO)

Stylis: Watanabe Nao (Creative GUILD)


I was a perfectionist who hated to lose


I've hated to lose from since I was a kid, so when I was in elementary school, in terms of studying, you could say I was a perfectionist who wanted to somehow or other eliminate subjects I am not good at and get 100 points in all subjects.


From since I was small I especially liked sciences & arithmetic (mathematics). By memorising to some degree the rules & equations, it was fun to apply the formulas there and derive/elicit an answer, like a puzzle.


I feel that I came to like sciences largely due to influence by my kindergarden period. The kindergarten I went to was a bit different as it had club activities like at an elementary school, so I was able to choose (what I wanted to do). I joined a club for handicraft & science experiments, where I remember, (using) a heater to warm up glass marbles, this made pretty cracks in them (as it shatters the glass inside), then made a ring out of the glass marble. 



Also, my parents bought me a "10 ball abacus" and because it is easy to express the concept of numbers, it was easy to understand, and three-dimensional puzzles like "Pythagoras" I could confirm geometric nets (think of any polyhedron and then flatten it out. That is a net, in geometry) and was able to have fun with various shapes.


[10 ball abacus]


[Net, in geometry]


As I was exposed to (geometric) shapes and numbers before I entered elementary school, I think that in the same way I acquired the fun/joy of learning naturally.


When I became an elementary student, I really loved preparing for upper grade level units of arithmetic & sciences, and the feeling of knowing things ahead of others, that was an irresistable good feeling (laughs).


I was enthusiastic about summer research project/independant research too. As a grade 1 student, I recorded the state of the weather through summer holidays every day and made a "Weather Diary" with clipped out weather maps from newspapers. As a grade 3 student, I manufactured a three-dimensional map. When you pushed the button in front, for example you could light up the miniature light bulb at the place where the school was and in a diorama-style I made buildings out of Styrofoam as well. For this my dad helped me a lot, as he was very skilled & cool/kakkoii with handling a soldering iron, so I also remember making it together.


[To be continued]