Hello can you hear me

I feel like I was writing on a fictional page that was manipulated by the technology of the gang. This is not new to them. They are manipulating the communication networks and also the email, phone, facebook pages, etc., so no matter how much I write about them, there is nothing. Do not get my voice out of them. Just get me what they want. This is not a strange thing on the terror network. This is their ugly face. They also regard this network as a treasure for them. They are afraid to be exposed..

Brothers and Friends in the States of the United States of America and the States of Europe. Let me talk to you in a harsh manner. Somewhat . You have wonderful leaders and you have clerics with God completely and you have real holy organizations. And you also have intelligence officers. So what is the need to adopt Shi or someone in an organization led by a devil in Iraq. Why did the person buy the harm himself? Look what this electronic organization has done inside Iraq. I brought this country back to prehistoric times. They brought back the laws of slavery and servitude, and man bought and sold like animals. They killed people with weapons of mind control. They also attacked the brothers in international forces and incited them. They were the ones who failed everything I do. In trying to make Iraq a brother to the United States and the countries of Europe. How do you accept that you are led by a religious intelligence officer who claims to be a prophet? I mean, you leave all true clerics and run behind a terrorist. I told you very much that I am only a simple citizen. I am not a person who claims to be a prophet and there is no role. I mean, if you have chosen a representative for you inside this network, I am not responsible for him or have any authority over him. He will only be a member of a terrorist organization. Do you know that I consider myself a terrorist? Inside an enemy area. Surrounded by gangs and a law of its own. Do you know how many times they tried to kill me. Many attempts It was also a prisoner .oona I deal with them now as if I were someone inside an enemy area, and I am one person poor .sahih I can not allow someone to think that hurt
I do not do anything in Iraq. I have to draw a red circle around Iraq. Because of the presence of a terrorist, he made himself a prophet and this is what he intends to do. You are evil and God says this to him. He will never stop trying. As long as he is the rest of this network, the intelligence of his highness inside Iraq controls everything and this stole everything and he cares about the people where the poor are competing with the animals on those who arrive first in containers and waste piles He has a wicked goal. Of course, this situation I know it is not true. It is like I ask you to become a goalkeeper is closing his eyes and still expects where the ball comes from. But what do I do. There are irregularities in the global security system ... I mean how could such a network hit France and Belgium. I ask you to be careful, this is a demon network. It has a thousand masks, so every hour you wear one. I also told you that you have in America and European countries thousands of true clerics, and the least one of them is better than this devil who is in Iraq a billion times. This is both his and Judas or Mesilamah liar. Or the folk who came to the prophet Moses or Saul who was trying to destroy the prophet David. .

Subject part 2 detail .
I begged you to be careful .

This is a warning to all brothers in the USA and all European countries and all their friends. Warning of trap and plot. Be careful that any one of you registers himself or someone who represents him or her inside an organization inside Iraq. A person claims to be a prophet. This is a very dirty game. It is carried out by this terrorist organization inside Iraq. It is not a sacred organization at all. It is not a prophet, but an intelligence officer with the rank of colonel, one of the days of the former regime. Or homosexuals. He uses weapons for mind control in killing people inside Iraq. This is a policeman who is a security agent and also from the days of the previous regime. There is a game played by this organization over others. Through Shi His name is acting. For example, there is a country called a moon. It has been deceived by it or a party within that state without the knowledge and consent of the state. The name of the state is registered in this organization inside Iraq. Here the leader of this terrorist organization will make a person or a group of his gang represent that state within his intelligence team. These elements are not at all loyal to the state of the moon. This is the leader of this gang. For the benefit of the state of the moon at all, no matter what happened. But when they go to that state they are creating cells and organizations led from within Iraq by this intelligence organization. Of course, this organization is led by a demon who claims to be a prophet and this is what God said to him to be against the United States and Europe. Here all elements of this network or organization will obey these commands on the basis that they are from God while they are from this terrorist. Among those who will obey those orders are those representing America and nations. and the European countries in this network or inside if they had a representative. Although I know that there are those who claim to represent, but I do not know whether there are those who gave them a license or does anyone know. This is not a sacred organization at all. Its leader is only a terrorist thief, but it is only a game or masks to achieve its evil aims against the United States and European countries. I do not have any organization at all in Iraq. This means that this network has nothing to do with it, no relationship, no authority. I do not register any elements for it, nor do I choose anything. But there is a trick. I am a victim of slavery and the type of slavery is a facade. Or exploitation of a body. It is a method used by the leader of this gang, which is similar to Satan's method When a person enters and exploits the body of a person, this gang leader always hides himself. He does not appear, but he exploits the bodies of others. When he brings a victim of a parchment from the poor, a slice of mind control is lifted so that this can be seen and heard through this body. And every period kills the body that entered to enter the body of another person. In this way remains far from any danger. All the danger lies on the head of the victim or body owner only, which is similar to a column within a government department was placed camera director of the Department to monitor and hear the staff inside . This is why the gang leader orders his followers to falsify the qualities of the body owner. Or they say that he is the leader or the manager, while he is hiding his command. When they steal, for example, they say that they follow the body owner or these orders. They do this to succeed their leader's plan.For if they do not do this no one will believe this lie and their real leader who gave them the laws and their record will be in danger. I am not a tribal leader either. I do not work in the government, I do not have politics, I do not have security. I do not have any followers inside Iraq. Beware of this lie. There is a group affiliated with this gang who is lying to this group. Or property or house. Of course, I say this in order to get rid of all the false qualities, which are carried out by the elements and branches of this gang inside Iraq Sadi as a person. On Iraq and made the law just a follower or servant obedient .. And do all this. And keep the same style and he is like a demon every time enters the body of the victims of slavery and make him face and then kill him to enter another body. I know that many before me took advantage of their bodies Then he killed them. But his misfortune came to me Iraq is a farm and the rest of the countries are also farms and all these farms there are interested in. Here the farm of Iraq has become a breeding ground of microbes and epidemics. To reach the rest of the plantations to be messed with. . The reason why her father friends in Iraq is not at all negligent by those who care about the farm. Not shortening or fear of these pests and epidemics. It is a disaster. This dirt is the one who runs this farm. But it made a group of carcater or scarecrow birds..She is just a ring in the hands of this gang. This is no secret at all. Even the children here know who is ruling Iraq. They are this gang, and this is their leader who says that God gave him Iraq, and his assistant is the odd security agent. He says that the government and the people inside him or half of Iraq have his or her Ministry of Interior and Defense. As if Iraq has become a spoils for this gang, which easily controlled everything inside Iraq after the departure of the international forces .. This gang and this leader are not afraid of anything and no one is capable of them inside Iraq. There is also the shadow government. Or the organization that governs. This style is similar to what the Baath Party did before. In the days of Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, when he controlled everything before this was announced, Saddam Hussein became president before he became president. So the reason for the survival of such undeclared control is to get rid of any potential danger. The same thing was done by this network. Intelligence. When we killed the friends of America and the coalition countries everywhere in Iraq .. And its gangs that certainly cover the law so when exposed At the risk of retaliation, the law comes to be next to this gang. This group started pretending or claiming that it is with America and the coalition countries. Its elements speak against terrorism. Thus, many friends of America and coalition countries inside Iraq have fallen into this trap.They were killed in different ways .. These military tricks are not new either, but in 1090 the same thing happened. When the regime receded in the area inside Iraq and the rest of the areas were not. Here people began to behave and the system did not exist But the regime returned to control these areas, but there was a group that also claimed to be against the regime. They were armed with civilian clothes. They were talking against the regime. Whenever someone organized or insulted the regime, they also killed him. Thus, there are two situations in which there is a great similarity to everything. It is the undeclared control and the change of law. So the losses were very large. The reason for the large losses. Recall that the friends of America and the coalition countries inside Iraq are not a mass and are not fighters. Simple people scattered. Also that group used unusual deception with them. For example, electronic aircraft .. These small aircraft, but they appear to be real. I have this whole network. It was misleading. Another is that this intelligence officer does not use the state apparatus openly. This is the first case in which the tanks and planes were real. When they were seen, everyone knew that the system was coming back for this. While the second case was different I noticed that I have given me twenty million dinars and changed all the laws that you know. Any one of them this. I have done to reveal the lies of having followers in Iraq or I have guards for me or half in this network or represent.