I know that there are many kinds of slavery, slavery, human trafficking, business, sex, or human trafficking. But the kind that has taken place is a new purpose created by gang leaders inside Iraq who, for example, have very high positions or are afraid of danger and want to protect themselves. They hide themselves and no one knows they are the leaders of these gangs. .. or bird scare .. And his way there is no dirtier than it resembles a person has been He put an apple on his head without his desire or his positions. A group of people launched arrows on this apple attached to the head of that person .. And defended himself against those who throw arrows will not benefit because you are running behind the apple over his head, which has no power of Warcraft He can only get rid of them. He is only hurt because of his illegitimate presence on his head. Through problems with those who shoot arrows. Here is almost the same thing. This gang. One of the victims of slavery takes the poor and puts on it and cultivates a slice of mind control. And then the leader of this gang to make the body of this poor as if faced him see and hear about him and then order members of his gang to say that he is a leader on them Here will become the poor slave as a leader of the gang. Through. First, the leader of the gang entered his body through Slice for mind control. He became as if he possessed the body of this. But the difference is that the body's owner is Lashi. Nothing will happen, but a mere victim, while the devil who entered his body is the one who leads a gang that gives them orders and signs.1) Of course, this devil invented special laws for him to lead the members of his gang. The reason for this is the fact that the leader of the gang protects himself so that it remains far from any danger. All the danger lies at the head of the victim, who is a mere victim of slavery and bondage. Another thing is that all the elements of this gang are all thieves. They follow the victim of slavery wherever you go and be inside Iraq. But surely their goal is not. They do not mean anything to them. They do not hear anything from them. They just look at her. A donkey is riding on their leader only. I know that they are not for me, but because I carry the container of the unions leader over my head and they are like flies come behind him. He gave them dirty laws like them and he gave them the positions they are in. For example, the managers of the branches of the gang, or led by organizations or cells. I do not have any organization inside Iraq at all. I am not the leader of his tribe and I do not work in government, security or politics. There are no followers in Iraq or money. I am just a simple citizen. I do not owe anything. Of course, I have revealed the role of this terrorist spy. But unfortunately, this is his gang that has taken control of Iraq. The law inside Iraq has become merely a follower of it. She tells him what to do. The case is very simple if you are in a country where the law is impersonating a person paper and slavery very clearly. Of course this is the leader of this gang is a tyrant unjust terrorist. He never used to stand in the face of anyone inside Iraq. Especially someone very simple like me. He does not have any. No follower and no money and no position. But Lashi. It seems to me that I just squeezed only inside Iraq. He gave them orders to kill me and actually they did a lot of them. This tyranny was acting and Iraq was for him. He imposed a siege and prevented every person or Hand go to her for help. Which I wanted to deal with myself from a slice of mind control. Get rid of them. If you do this. I mean rid of this gang leader that used to spy on twenty-four hours so far. . This is why I gave an order to all of its branches inside Iraq. Preventing any person or entity from giving anything to me can be beneficial to me, and this is why all the branches of this gang have been worshiped throughout Iraq because of their rotten dirt, all of which operate with their dirty laws and their record with their own hands. I did not see in my life follow the example of following this devil inside Iraq. He understood as if he had cows, he was driven by how he wanted to make himself a prophet and he knew the unseen. And with him a homosexual security agent. What is important is to be fully aware of him and all his nerves. And what he is playing with by the laws he invented. He is responsible for them. Of course he uses deceit with me. The principle of the total age of lying lies superior to one honest tongue. That is why he orders members of his gang to lie and say that I am a leader or a half of them in this gang, or I have followers, or I am the governor of Diwaniyah province, or the leader of his tribe, or I have a position. I am the one who registers them or chooses them. Or I have money, etc. of lies make me like I'm inside Iraq.
The price of slavery is some food, a place of residence, some needs and old clothes. Any cheap price, this is the real thing. Anything other than this is only lies. However, I submitted a report to the United Nations. After I, Bush, when I said inside Iraq, they gave me twenty million dinars and changed all the laws. But none of those who were lying and visited me have qualities. They say they are guards, followers, me or me. I give them orders when I think for example, eat, drink, speak, hear, see or go to this, or do any ordinary actions. They used to say that they were either registration, choice or orders, while I told them they gave them twenty million dinars and changed the laws. Any one of them. That's what I told the United Nations to know that this devil who exploits c DVD is the leader of this band has a computer driving by this band all .oona I am not only a victim of slavery only. No one takes a single word from me and I have no connection to it at all. And this is the leader spy on my head .. Play by. Of course members of the gang as if cows came to her bull at night and fucked with her and then gave him calves. And it is he who told her to say I am the one who did this to her, while I am not. They know this too. But they are lying to protect their husband this devil who gave them the laws and record them. He is not a secretary at all, nor a deputy or guardian, but there is no connection to him. What is only a gang leader has created a gang for him only. I do not have to work for him or me to set him up to expel him or replace him, but is a demon created a gang is another funny. He claims that his gang is organized and says that it is a gift from God, while he is a demon. Yes, to give up. Give up what. Is it about the gang hit France and Belgium. Yes, this gang is the beating of France and Belgium, who was attacking international forces in Iraq and incite them. ..Oh these were the orders of this leader of this gang who made himself a prophet. He said that God told him to be against the United States of America and against the countries of Europe. Of course I see that everyone who belongs to this whole organization is dirty. He is contrary to God. But to disbelieve in God and in his mind the heavenly religions. Within Iraq, the law has become a servant of this gang. This is very certain that it will be against God and against all heavenly religions. He will play his game and say that it is free. While his question will hide that they use weapons of mind control to kill the Iraqi people. Is this also free? It is a law of a thief outside the law. Defends them and hides their order because they are the ones who made him in this position. . Shi very funny I noticed that this leader of this gang inside Iraq acting like a person did not do anything but the officials, for example, on his branches or elements and say is the one who did this, and this is to deceive others with such deception. Here if we bring a donkey we say this story will not Believe . . It is a lie to which he lies and wants to be believed by others. It is like someone who brings fish. Then he puts them in a group of cats from the street. They do not have people. When you eat this fish or fight with each other, this person claims that he is irresponsible.He who looks like a wicked mother has sons and has a special farm for her. Ah. Whenever she goes to one of them, she tells him that the farm is his. He loves him more than his brothers and he is the best among them. And then every one of her sons thinks that the farm is him and that his mother told him this. Lappel begins to remove his brothers from them to remain alone because his mother told him this. Here the problems are because of this malignant mother and also the children are nothing but a herd of cows. And when she tells him that his farm asks him to hide this and so every cow from her children thinks that the farm is him. While all of them she said the same thing to them. I dream of the stupidity of these that I revealed to them the truth. But not one of them dared to speak to her and say why. They were shaking their tails for her. This mother is responsible for what her cows do, whether among themselves or against the United States of America and European countries. She and her anomalies are responsible for what these cows do