トーレの松井秀喜への信頼は変わらない(NYT 10月6日) | カフェメトロポリス





Jason Giambi remained on the bench for Game 2 of the division series on Friday, with Manager Joe Torre trusting Hideki Matsui to turn around a lengthy slump.


As a player, to be trusted like that is an honor,” Matsui said through an interpreter after an early batting practice session. “There’s no way other than to perform on the field to show that I appreciate that trust.”


Matsui was 0 for 4 with two strikeouts in Game 1, stranding five runners in the Yankees’ 12-3 loss. That followed a September in which he hit .185 with two home runs before having his right knee drained on the final weekend.


Giambi also struggled in September but had a pinch-hit single on Thursday. Torre said he considered using Giambi at first base for Doug Mientkiewicz on Friday, but Mientkiewicz’s sore ankle was fine.


It’s a different pitcher today, and these are the guys that have done it for us,” Torre said before the game, adding that Matsui was liable to get hot at any time. “Knocking in 100-plus runs for us is tough to ignore just because you didn’t have a good game the first day. I just can’t do that.”
