
Maximizing Linkedin (A U.S. professional networking/marketing platform)



Today, I’d like to talk about Linkedin, one of the biggest professional networking platforms in the world.  Admittedly, I’ve only started using it heavily, only recently.  Here are some first-hand observations I’ve made about Linkedin’s potential use. 




1.  Branding and marketing tool for companies

Whether it’s Nike or PwC (Global accounting firm), companies and their employees post articles about growing trends in their industry, insight, and client survey results.   Of course, in today’s world, your digital presence is just as important as your physical infrastructure, and because the vast majority of users are business-oriented, there’s a great likelihood that your followers or potential clients read posts that they are interested in and may even comment or like.  The biggest players are particularly consistent with the volume and content they post, whether it’s about an article about the growing trend of remote work or sustainable methods in manufacturing clothing.  It’s still one of the best ways to organically market and speak to your intended audience.


1.  会社のブランディングやマーケティング用



Nike example


2.  Recruiting for companies

Most recruiting agents for foreign companies (gaishi-kei recruiter) actively use Linkedin in finding suitable candidates.  If the individual account holder has set their privacy setting to “public”, anyone can view their current work, work history, interests, and university they attended.  It’s a quick way for recruiters to get a “summary“ of a candidate without going through a full resume.

A more passive way for recruiters to notify the public is to post a job title and description, for interested job seekers.  One experienced recruiter said that it was his “bread and butter” as far as locating candidates.  It surely must mean that Linkedin is quite effective in recruiting.


2.  会社のリクルーティング用

外資系リクルーターの大半はLinkedinを活発に利用して、適切な候補者を探している。例えば個人が プライバシー設定をpublicとしていたら、その人の現職や職歴、関心や出身大学について、誰でも閲覧できる。つまり、リクルーターは履歴書を読まずとも、素早く候補者の概要を掴める。

リクルーターが受動的な方法で募集案件について告知もでき、その場合、職位や業務内容を投稿する。業界が長いリクルーターは、候補者を探すツールとしては、‟パンとバター “のように重要な役割を果たしていると。その証言からも、Linkedinがリクルーティングにかなり有効だと分かる。

3.  Networking for individuals

For my personal use, I’ve begun using Linkedin to slowly build my network to (1) offer English translation and consulting services as an independent contractor and (2) connect with those in the tourism business, since I am planning on offering Japan tours.  Although fairly early in my endeavors, I’ve found that people that I’ve exchanged business cards with in the past are very fast in replying via Linkedin (which means that a good population of the Western world is using this platform quite actively).


3.  個人の人脈作り

私個人としては、人脈を徐々に増やすべくLinkedinを (1) 英語翻訳やコンサルティングサービスの提案をするため 及び (2) 訪日観光客用のツアーを計画しているため、ツアー業界の人と繋がるためである。まだ試みは序盤であるが、過去に名刺交換をした人は、Linkedinでのメッセージの返信がかなり速い (これは、特に欧米では多数のユーザーが活発に利用している事を示している)


I’m sure there is much more nuance and ways to maximize Linkedin’s potential in networking and establishing sales leads; however I do hope this provides you (the Japanese-speaking audience) with a general idea.  Thanks for reading.  Until next time (likely in 2 weeks).


その他にもLInkedinのネットワーキングや顧客開拓の可能性を最大化する方法はたくさんあると思うが、あなた(日本の皆様)にとって全般的な理解が深まったなら幸いです。ご一読ありがとうございました。それでは次回 (おそらく2週間後)

