What is the life of a marine engineer like?

What can you actually do with a marine engineer qualification? A

fully qualified marine engineering officer is essential for operating and maintaining a ship's mechanical systems. This is a large role with overall responsibility for elements such as:

Engines and ventilation systems
Navigation and communication equipment
Deck accessories such as cranes, hoists, landings
Marine technical officers are ranked according to experience and qualifications. This results in promotion to the next rank in the marine engineering cadet process.

Chief Engineer – This level has overall responsibility for planning engineering tasks and delegating such tasks to other team members.
Second Engineer - This rank is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the ship's engineer team.
3rd Engineer – Here you will be engaged in support functions for the 2nd Engineer. Junior/Force Engineer who helps manage the ship's mechanical systems and machinery
– the starting point for the Marine Engineering Cadet Course. You will perform general maintenance work on ship machinery.

What is life like at sea?

Your girlfriend's day often begins with a meeting with senior executives to discuss the next day's priorities. Typical daily tasks include:

To ensure that fresh water is produced for the vessel to monitor the parameters of all on-board machinery .
Be aware of potential hazardous trends/levels Ensure that
the fuel and lubricants operating the purification equipment are clean and do not damage the machinery. You will also work with senior management to perform routine and non-routine maintenance, including: Routine - Machine filters, fan belts, oil changes, piston and gasket replacements, water anode replacements, etc. Extraordinary - all necessary maintenance work The action begins with the so-called "toolbox talk". Here we will highlight the task you are currently working on, what you are trying to do, and the appropriate PPE you should use.