I have been a fan for 10 years. That's not very long. Even though those people have announced that you're disbanding as a group, I'll be a fan for 10, 20, 30 years - for however many years you will have me as a fan. If you go your separate ways forever from now, or if you manage to find a new future together, I'll be here. I refuse to lose hope.

In the meantime I will do what little things I am able to do. If they try to drag your names in the mud, i will try to bring light on the shady behavior and shoddy treatment you've been subjected to. I will try to get your story out - the story that anyone who has been watching can see.

Until you say to us from your own mouths in the gentle and kind way that you would 'thank you, treasure the memories, but it's done' , I will be here holding a spark of hope. And even if I hear those unfortunate words directly from you, I will still be here to support each of you on your separate paths.

Whatever the ultimate outcome is, please know that you have brought me joy in the face of sadness, encouragement in what have been dark hours, laughter during times of tears.

That's no small feat.

And I know I am not the only one who feels that way.

If this truly is the end of this road, before the paths fork, let me say with an open heart and with all sincerity, thank you, thank you, and thank you again. If this is just a stumbling block, then I still wish to thank you and I will look forward to thanking you every year.

Because these 10 years have been a gift to me.

I wish you all the same joy, encouragement, and laughter a hundred fold. Do all the things you've wanted to do but haven't been able to because of our selfishness. I hope you'll forgive us this, and forgive us for being weak and focused on our own uncertainty at this time.

With love from a fan for 10 years
... and a fan forever.