I apologize for writing in English, but sometimes I have a lot of things to say and it is much easier to say it in my own language. I find it very difficult for me to post in Japanese, because I am still just learning. Also, if I want to write a post in Japanese, I have to do it in a word processing programme first, then pray that what I typed in in hiragana actually came out in the correct kanji since I do not know kanji yet. I don't have my computer fully set-up to write in Japanese.

I take a Japanese class once a week at the University. It is just an evening class, but I am enjoying it very much. I find it much easier to understand or even speak Japanese than reading or writing in Japanese.. This blog is a way for me to practice so I am very sorry for all the mistakes I am making!!

I am also still learning how to use Ameba. If you have sent a message to me and I haven't responded, it is probably because I have not found where to post messages yet.

So....I am hoping there will be a new SMAP single soon. Katori-san and Kusanagi-san also keep giving hints that there will be a concert this year. At the very least, they seem to be strongly hoping for a concert. So am I!!!! I loved s.m..a..p. so very much and would love to try to go again. I have been trying to save money since last April. If there is a concert next year, and you see a lost looking foreign woman trying to find a ticket, please be kind to her because it is probably me :)

Please send me a message. If you even just want to practice your English, you can do that too :) I hope I will be able to find the messages on Ameba!

kisses from Scotland