If you’re interested in monetizing your mobile app your company must first convert all its information to a fully mobile-optimized website. There are several different solutions for creating the website, you just need to be careful when choosing the right one for your particular case. Simply creating the site doesn’t mean that the site will work in a mobile environment. You can have a website that looks fantastic on tablets, but it will not be as powerful on phones as it should be.

Convert website to Android App

One of the most popular platforms for converting content for mobile websites is Google Translate. One of the great things about this process is that it is very safe. If you make mistakes and products you don’t mean to translate or serve on a certain mobile OS, you don’t have to be worried about your site running away or becoming a spam opportunity.

Ensure that Your Content Is Correctly Automated

Your mobile site will generate a set of documents that you need to serve. These documents won’t necessarily help you serve the documents to users when they’re navigating mobile sites. These documents are created by complex algorithms. You might want to make some changes to your corporate intranet content or run some ads to help grow your online business, but the content you serve with your mobile apps will not be as accurate as the content you create for your company’s internal intranet.


Convert website to Android App

For your website content to be mobile optimized, you need to ensure that it’s correctly programmed. Be selective with what you create and modify. Using the mobile version of the website platform will not stop Google from spewing out ad returns if you don’t use their native language. Google uses complex algorithms to kick you back onto your internal intranet or on a device that doesn’t support their platform. The same thing goes for your content on external sites. Don’t go by the page structure and keywords you see on marketing campaigns. Trust your data providers. Whether you do it yourself using Excel charts and other tools or use an online platform like Google Translate or MobileInteract, understand that you can’t just copy and paste everything from your internal site over to your mobile-optimized content.

Check-In for Updates

Once you’ve done all the necessary work to get your content ready for the mobile platform, you can check in to see if the content is still accurately serving users. If you already have your mobile pages accessible, look for improvements. Often, the software helps notify you about changes, and you can fix the problem in only a few seconds. When potential issues arise, Google Translate will become your partner and send out an alert to fix the issue. It will take a short time for a fix to occur.

Access Data Without Preaching

You also have access to all the data you upload to mobile websites. You might have thousands of images or videos, but how well those images are optimized is your responsibility. Remember that the second you upload content into Google Translate. Include your profile information with your image. People can search your content and find out information about you, your company, your industry, and even offer deals with your company in exchange for an email address.

Convert website to Android App

Not every data capture is a bad thing. Everything you can do to increase your business and direct users in the right direction will be a better and safer way to conduct business. The upcoming year in customer service is going to be a lot more demanding than in any previous year. Knowledge is a commodity, and you want to show up with not only a competent list of offerings but also accurate, accurate content optimized for users in mobile devices and other online technology.