











モーリスのウェルスダイナミクス情報量日本一を目指すブログ!-wd スクウェア







Wealth Dynamics is a wealth profiling system which uses a psychometric test to assess your personality, strengths, productivity, values and group behaviour, to determine your most natural way to build wealth.

Up until now the only way to discover which path is right for you, has been through the process of trial and error.
You make your money in business, then lose it all on the stock market... You spend years earning money working for someone else, and then lose it all starting your own business...

Wealth Dynamics was developed to take the Trial & Error out of the process.
It provides you with a map to guide you on Your Path to Wealth, allowing you to identify which strategies, and six steps you need to be focusing on, learning about, and taking action on.


  • あなたが富を築くプロファイル 
    This shows you the most natural activities you should focus on to Create Wealth.

  • 同じプロファイルのモデルとなる人物
    Which top entrepreneurs you should study and learn from.

  • Your Strengths & Weaknesses as a Wealth Creator
    What gets you into your flow. What are distractions and what are opportunities.

  • How to Build Your Wealth Foundation
    What are the first steps you should take so you don't lose your wealth later.

  • Your Moment of Wealth Creation
    What "Critical Moments" should you be on the lookout for.
  • How to Create Value using Your Profile
    How to channel your strengths in a way that the world responds favourably to.

  • The Value You Need to Own
    The things you should never outsource to anyone and the things you can delegate freely.

  • How to Leverage Your Value to Many
    How to take even small amounts of value and get it into the hands of many.

  • How You Secure Your Cashflow
    So you don't become a "boom-buster".

Why does this work?

Wealth Dynamics works because every person has a limited amount of time and can only focus on a few areas of business at once.

If a hollywood actor (Star) also tried to be a great agent (Deal Maker) they would most likely fail at both things, why? because they have split their time between two disciplines that each require focus and commitment.

People don't want to do business with people who seem to be unfocused and average at many things - they want to work with people who are brilliant at their chosen craft.

Wealth Dynamics helps you to get that focus and better, yet it helps you to choose the thing that you are naturally more likely to succeed at ... and enjoy!

So What?


What makes you so sure?

To date, over 20,000 entrepreneurs in over 20 countries have taken the test and discovered their profile. The overwhelming feedback from people at all levels of success tell us that knowing "Their Profile" has given them tremendous clarity, direction and a better understanding of themselves and others.