私の専攻はFilm Scoring。
来年の夏から UCLA ExtensionのFilm Scoring Certificate Courseに行く予定。


実は、今年の秋からハワイに語学留学もする予定。 TOEFLのスコアを取ることはもちろんなんだけど、色々な事情があって語学留学はハワイに決定。ハワイの環境に負けずに、、英語をちゃんと取得しなくちゃ。。


しっかり、英語を習得します!! (宣言して気を引き締めようw)

TOEFLのスコアは出来る限り100点に近づけたい。 もし、もし、、100点取れたら、UCLAでの英語の授業が免除になるんです。 UCLAの英語の授業も受けたいなと初めは思ってたんだけど、なければないで、もっと音楽の授業に集中できるもんね。

…去年、強行したイギリスのサマースクール、、イギリス英語のせいもあるかもだけど、英語わからんちんで授業ほとんど理解できなかった。友達もうまく作れなかった。 曲だけはちゃんと作ったけどねw←ここ大事。

はい、これからはBlogを英語でも書きますよ~! Writing 強化のため!!


My major is Film Scoring. I'm planing to go abroad to study music at Film Scoring Certificate Course in the UCLA Extension.

But, before that,,,

Actually I'm going to study English in Hawaii. Of course I need TOEFL score to enroll in the UCLA though, I have some other reasons that I've chosen Hawaii to study English. I must acquire English against the comfortable circumstance in Hawaii.

I don't say I love Hawaii much because I prefer to Europe though, I'm really looking forward to spend time with my important one and my best friend and her baby! in Hawaii ニコニコ

Oh, I seem to be in a happy mood and I'm going to Hawaii.
I will definitely acquire English!! ... I need to say this to brace myself. lol.

I want my TOEFL score over 100 points. If I could get it, I don't have to take the English class at the UCLA. I was thinking I want to take the English class at the UCLA before. But I changed my mind. I could focus on music class more if I didn't have the English class.

Anyway, I MUST get to understand English accurately to follow the music class!!
I had push myself to participate in the international summer school in the UK last summer. It was hard for me to follow the lesson because of my English skill. Moreover English English is more difficult for me. I couldn't understand almost of the lecture and I couldn't make friends well. I only made my pieces at that time! ← This is most important.

Well, I will translate this blog to English for practicing TOEFL writing.