Day3 上松から野尻まで


Stayed at Tamasa Inn(田政旅館), traditional Japanese style.


Morning walk before breakfast. Agematsu station.



Back hill of Gyokurin-in temple(玉林院).


Hachiman jinja(八幡神社) shrine against morning beam.


Monument of the twenty third night's moon.


Masugata(桝形) bend of the old road in Agematsu post town.


In the morning sunlight, visited again the statues of entrance of Agematsu post town.


Coincidence to find a very old truss bridge. Beautiful.


Got back to the inn for breakfast.


Departed the inn and looked back at Agematsu post town.


Visited Suwa jinja(諏訪神社) shrine.


The yard of the shrine seemed to include an athletic ground of Agematsu elementary school. 


The weather until yesterday was not good, but this morning, this clearness!


Echizenya(越前屋) Inn near Nezame-no-toko(寝覚の床) valley.



Katsura tree, a natural monument of the town.


Dropped by Nezame-no-toko view point.


Ono-no-taki(小野の滝) big fall aside the road.


Morohara-bashi(諸原橋), a suspension bridge with wooden floor plates.


Kuramoto station(倉本駅), the entrance to Mt.Utsugi(空木岳). Motivated to climb the mountain one day.


Colors of mountain green in this season is really refreshing.


Old wooden buildings of resident aside the road.


A fast walker passed me over.


Dropped by a shrine for a lunch snack. Hidden place through underpass of the railroad. 


Stone tower of Muromachi era.


Couple ceder of Shin-mei jinja shrine(神明神社の夫婦大杉). 


Old street of Suhara post town(須原宿).


Nice gate pillars of Suhara elementary school.


Storehouse of elegant design.


Color of Inagawa river(伊奈川), a branch of Kiso river. Emerald under clear sky.



Okuwa village, east area(大桑東地区). This flag tells the place for kids' fishing only, never seen before.


Actually many trout were in the stream.



Old nakasendo runs through Okuwa district.



Houses scatter on the alluvial fan of Okuwa west district.



Took a rest at Okuwa railway station.



Okuwa station was allocated by efforts of the people here in 1951.


Joyful walking to Nojiri post town, final destination of the trip this time.



Old Niwataya ryokan(庭田屋旅館) inn in Nojiri post town. Now closed.


Arrived at Nojiri railway station(野尻駅).



Saw a storage of wood material at Nojiri station, although rail transportation of wood had ended.



Took this train back to Shiojiri.  Only 90 minutes compared to 3 days walking.


Took this express train to home.


Satisfaction with comfortable fatigue.