Day2 奈良井から上松まで。

Departed the guesthouse early in the morning.


Old sake brewery in Narai post town.


Climbed to a terrace where Narai castle was built. Appreciated two rice balls the host of the guesthouse prepared.


Valley water utilization everywhere.


Back to Narai post town.


Official announcement board in Edo era(高札場).


Water supply spot in Narai post town.


Had a morning pray at Shizume-jinja shrine(鎮神社).


Entered mountain trail to Torii-toge pass(鳥居峠).



Heard birds singing while walking the path.



Weather was misty which could make the colors of cherry petals moist and lovely.



The mist got stronger as approached the pass top.



Near the pass top, had a good water spot.


Arrived at the top of Torii-toge pass.



This road used to be a national road until the tunnel was built beneath.


Stone statues in Mitake jinja shrine near the pass top.


Going down to Yabuhara post town(藪原宿).


Passed a trail runner coming up.


Mossed statues looked holy and lovely.



Partly had a pavement by stones.


Got back to a village road.


Dropped by the steam locomotive preserved near Yabuhara station.


Merged to a major road running aside Kiso river.


Freight traffic was heavy although it was a holiday week.


Color of Kiso river(木曽川), running to Pacific side.




Sign board writing Nagoya appeared.


Yellow Yamabuki color would be a motif of the trip this time.


Shangri-la or country of plum and peach of Yoshida village. 



Had a snack break here.


Walking continued long after passage of Torii-toge.





This part used to be a national road until shifted to a new tunnel.



Yamabuki flowers everywhere.


Rail bridge made a part of beautiful scenery. Near Tomoe-buchi(巴淵) bend.


Dousoshin or God of the road near Tomoe-buchi river bend.




Honjin(本陣) ancient prime hotel of Miyanokoshi post town(宮ノ越宿) is a replica construction, open free for tourists. 



This old building is also free to enter, and well preserved.




Walking continued and passed the midpoint of Nakasendo route. Mt. Kisokoma(木曽駒ケ岳) and middle alps range was seen in the rainy weather.


Split to a grassy path in Kozawa (Ozawa?) area.



Crossed Shozawa river(正沢川) with a narrow bridge.


Stone monument of moon of the twenty third night(二十三夜), often found in this part of Nakasendo.


Among deep valley of Kiso route, this Miyanokoshi post town has rarely wide atmosphere. 


Entering Fukushima post town(福島宿), which had a major immigration gate.


Saw downtown Fukushima town beyond Kiso river.


Passed the gate.


Kiso-Fukushima rail station is located upper end of the Fukushima town.




Hydroelectric power plant.


This old rail tunnel used to be a walking road, however now closed.


Finally reached Agematsu post town(上松宿), today's destination. Pretty tough walking it was with an umbrella in hand.