アジア班 1月1日~1月14日 | 渡邊頼純研究会~Financial Times~

アジア班 1月1日~1月14日


Airbus offers China industrial tie up in exchange for jet orders.


Airbus is offering an industrial partnership with China on the A380 if Chinese airlines place orders for the world's biggest passenger jet, whose future is in doubt unless it wins new customers. Airbus is also proposing to boost production at  its Tianjin assembly linem which produces four A320 single-aisle aircraft a mounth. 

International association says that by 2024, China will become the largest aviation market. Airbus expects passenger traffic in China to grow 6.9% annually over the next 20 years, well above the world average.(Liz)




South Korea will not renegotiate ‘comfort women’ deal with Japan (01.09.2018) 


South Korea will not try to renegotiate a contentious deal with Japan over the latter’s wartime use of sex slaves but insisted that the issue was not resolved. Kang Kyung-wha, foreign minister, said on Tuesday that the 2015 settlement was a valid bilateral agreement but she called on Tokyo to keep making efforts to restore honor and dignity to the victims. Her decision averts a break between Tokyo and Seoul as they attempt to manage the threat from North Korea, but it leaves the long-term future of their relationship in limbo. (Alex)

North and South Korea agree to hold military talks (01.10.2018)


North Korea has agreed to hold military talks with South Korea as the two nations move to reduce tensions on a peninsula that last year teetered on the edge of conflict. The development came during the first bilateral negotiations between the Koreas in two years, during which Pyongyang agreed to send a delegation of athletes and politicians to next months Winter Olympic Games in South Korea.  (Alex)


Xi Jinping cements power over China’s army and police (01.11.2018)


President Xi Jinping has moved to cement his authority over China’s army and security forces, with highly choreographed measures that bring the military further under the control of the Communist party. A succession of speeches, mass pledges of allegiance and tearfully delivered songs by army generals and leading members of the security forces have led news bulletins in recent weeks, driving home the message that Mr Xi, in addition to being China’s civilian leader, its supreme commander. (Alex)



China denies it intends to reduce US Treasury purchases(1.12, Fri)

Some fixed-income strategists speculated that officials may have leaked the information as a warning to the Trump administration that Beijing could retaliate if the US adopts tough measures against what the White House views as abusive Chinese trade practices.China’s foreign-exchange regulator has denied that the country intends to slow or halt purchases of US government debt following a report that helped propel the benchmark 10-year Treasury yield to a nine-month high this week.(Lucy)



Beijing breathes easier as war on smog clears skies


Drastic measures to cut pollution in the areas around Beijing during the final months of 2017 have led to unusually clear air in the capital,offsetting the effect of a nationwide economic recovery, according to new data.

Authorities closed factories and forbade residents in provinces neighbouring Beijing from using coal to heat their homes during winter, in a last-ditch effort to meet emissions-cutting targets for 2017(Karin)