When I bought my son a Citroen last month from, I signed up for the monthly newsletter, as I thought it will be nice to know what is happening. I was really excited when I got the October issue, I knew it will have full details of the Frankfurt motor show and I want to see what the new Citroen Tubik concept looks like.

Now I wish I never opened the magazine to see the Citroen Tubik, it is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. I understand that it’s a high-tech executive shuttle but how can they design something  Wash Motors Manufacturers   that is so ugly and to top it all, it’s based on the idea that travel should be fun.

When I’m in the driver’s seat, I like to feel proud of what I’m driving not be embarrassed of it, and I don’t ever see myself driving the Citroen Tubik. It has sounds great; it offers a lounge-style cocoon with high levels of comfort but I’m really disappointed by its look.

Citroen believe it’s the next phase of Multicity with a new solution, a concept Wall Fan Motor Manufacturerscar design to make travel meaningful again. The technology on board includes a semi-circular screen and HD surround sound, which makes the cabin an enjoyable and social area for long distances.

The Citroen Tubik is powered by Citroen's Hybrid4 technology, a full-hybrid diesel drivetrain with optimised aerodynamics, the front wheels are driven by the diesel engine, whilst the rear wheels are powered by the electric motor.