Collaboration artwork(Deadly Technique Kunoichi) with Nipponaisuki

Nipponaisuki is Wakoshi family :)

Deadly Technique Kunoichi!!

1)T shirts
T shirts コンテスト deviantWEAR Design Battle に
UK artist Nipponaisuki(Juan Carlos Cambon)と

福田博子:遊筆書家 × わこうし(Hiroko Fukuda × Wakoshi)

2) Collaboration artwork with Nipponaisuki(Carlos-san)
・くノ一をテーマに、作品のタイトルは、Deadly Kunoichiです。

  メッセージの「生きると死ぬは 同じこと」は、 暗闇でゆらぐ、生の光をあらわします。

*a kind of good-luck charm(チャーム),
Inspire your everyday life :)

Nipponaisuki(Carlos-san) say

I'm very happy how it came out, especially the calligraphy created by my trusted calligrapher partner and part of the Nipponaisuki family Hiroko-Fukuda of Wakoshi in Japan.

The main Kanji translates somewhere along the lines of: "Deadly technique" is inside mind..Real kunoichi have to die her life before she can kill other party..
Obtaining deadly technique is not in the weapon...but the minds intent !!!!

The Hiragana messege reads something like: *to live is being dead for Kunoichi life

The calligraphy messages incorporated into the Tanto (Sword case) and leg reads: Deeply Pray for other party who kills

Japanese say Kanji and Hiragana calligraphy have a soul, so this design is a kind of good-luck charm, an artwork piece to inspire your everyday life
Life can be seen as a battle, an opponent you must defeat, so a confused mind does not hold a deadly technique, deadly technique is through the minds intent.
We can approach life with a kind of Kunoichi's deadly intent.
福田博子:遊筆書家 × わこうし(Hiroko Fukuda × Wakoshi)