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Parenting Requires Effort – If a Child is Too Easy, It May Be a Concern

Explained by a Child Psychiatrist in Nagoya

Hello, I’m Dr. Koji Kato, a child psychiatrist at Wako Clinic in Nagoya.


Today, I’d like to discuss why parenting naturally requires effort, and why a child who seems too easy to raise may actually be a cause for concern.


1. Parenting Always Requires Effort

Raising a child naturally involves challenges because children go through various developmental stages that demand parental involvement. Some common developmental phases include:


Stranger anxiety (fear of unfamiliar people)

Separation anxiety (distress when separated from parents)

Clinginess and following parents around

The first phase of defiance (around age 2-3, known as the “terrible twos”)

These are all normal parts of childhood development and indicate that a child is forming a secure attachment with their primary caregivers.


If a child never experiences these stages and is always independent without showing any attachment or distress, it could be a sign that their emotional development is not progressing as expected.


2. When a Child is Too Independent – Possible Concerns

A child who never cries for their parents, does not show anxiety when left alone, or can be cared for by anyone without preference may have difficulties forming emotional attachments.


This can sometimes indicate issues with attachment formation or underlying neurodevelopmental conditions.


(1) Attachment Formation Issues

Secure attachment is essential for emotional and social development. If a child does not show signs of forming strong emotional bonds with caregivers, it may indicate a problem in the way they perceive and respond to social connections.


(2) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Social Reciprocity Difficulties

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often struggle with social reciprocity, meaning they may have difficulty understanding and responding to emotional interactions.


Possible signs include:

✔ Lack of stranger anxiety or separation anxiety – The child does not react differently to their mother or strangers.

✔ Minimal preference for parental comfort – They do not seek their caregiver when distressed.

✔ Limited social engagement – They may seem content being alone and do not naturally initiate social interactions.


While these signs do not necessarily confirm an ASD diagnosis, they indicate that further evaluation by a child psychiatrist may be beneficial.


3. The Long-Term Impact of Early Social Development Issues

If a child does not form strong early attachments, it can lead to difficulties in understanding others’ emotions and intentions as they grow.


During school-age years, they may struggle with:

✔ Difficulty forming peer relationships

✔ Challenges in cooperative play or teamwork

✔ Lack of understanding of social rules and expectations


These social challenges can affect their ability to adapt in group settings, making school life and friendships more difficult.


4. What to Do If You Have Concerns

If your child did not go through the typical stages of attachment and independence development, it may be helpful to consult a child psychiatrist to evaluate their social and emotional development.


Early intervention, including parental guidance, social skills training, and early therapeutic support, can significantly help children develop the skills they need to navigate relationships and social situations successfully.


If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to a specialist.