* | RisaのDreams come true...


Maybe it's time to let him go.


We tried.


Have I been trying to change you so that it's easy for me to be with you?


Maybe I have. I wanted to us to work.


Have I tried to change for him?


Maybe I have, but it wasn't enough for us.


I was always wondering if fighting this often is normal.

I tried to believe myself it is ok, it is not too bad.


We went too far. We hurted each other enough.


We can't stop. We won't change.


I will stop bothering you.


You don't need to change. 


You can't change. 

I'm sorry for trying to make you change.


That's who you are.

Maybe that's how you grew up. 


I am not saying it's bad.


Just we weren't same type of personality.


You find yours.

It wasn't me.

I need more lights, not darkness.


No more oil in the fire.

No more tears.

No more hurting each other.


We just need to end this.



You can complain about bad driver, bad service, bad boss as much as you want.


But not to me.


I don't want to hear negative words all the time.


Something bad happen? Always stressed out?


Not getting enough sleep? Are you not eating what you want?


Are you not losing your weight you imagine?


Please don't blame me.


It is easy to blame other people but not yourself.


Why do you always care about other people's eye?

What is wrong with other people being rich or happy?


Why do you seem so happy when you make fun of other people?


I am not saying you are bad.


We have very different opinions.


We will not understand each other.

I always felt you don't even know real me.

You never asked. You were never intereted.


When I am happy, you can't be happy.

You seem frustrated. You always make my happy feeling down.


When I am not happy, you are nicer.

Trying to make it better.


You don't need to bring me flower or piece of cake to make me feel better.

I forgave you and believed you.


That's not the way I want.


I want to be happy both of us together, at the same time.

I want to keep smiling. I want to be with someone who gives me more of those. 


You don't even trust me.

You just pretend you care about me.

Because it's easy to say and sounds nice when you say "I care about you".


No, all you care about is yourself.

Only sometimes, me. 

Don't tell me that is not true.

That's how you make me feel.

You are maybe doing it all wrong.



I can see how you would react if I say this to you.

You would say yes!!! with your angry emotion.


You don't trust what I do to kids.


"You are not paying attention enough."


I am 100% sure you would yell and blame me if something happen to us.

I can see.

I am already afraid of it.

I am always afraid of you how you would react when something bad or unexpected thing happens.


"Oh my goodness"?








There is other type of people who can just laugh at the situation and say "everything will be ok."


You would say "No, You are not." That's because you can't see me at that situation.

You are already losing yourself.


You get worried when things get really bad between us.

Do you know? It is too late.


We did enough.

We did too much.

We couldn't stop.

We can't stop.


I didn't want to give up on us.


I thought we could be happy together.


I realized, we are screaming at each other no matter who is around.


We are hurting our precious.


We have to end this.


We went too far, where we can't fix it anymore.


You should know because I know we won't change.


I loved you.


I am happy that I met you.

That is for sure.


I have good memories with you but we made too many bad memories.


I want to remember you as a good guy.


Can we end this happily ever after story?


I don't want anymore battle.


Let's end this. 

