MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "textSQL"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit

Private working_dir As String
Public Enum readtype
    RowHead = 0
    Number = 1
End Enum
Public Enum SortOrder
    orderASC = 0
    orderDESC = 1
End Enum
Public Enum SepKey
    keyComma = 1
End Enum
Public Function runif(ByVal get_number As Long, ByVal nmin As Long, ByVal nmax As Long) As Variant
    '' ランダム数値の作成
    '' get_number: 取得する数値の数
    '' nmin: 最小値
    '' nmax: 最大値
    Dim n As Long
    Dim dic As Object
    '' ランダム値の生成
    Set dic = Set_Dictionary
    '' シードの初期化
    '' 日付_時間_ランダム数値として作成
    Do While dic.Count <> get_number
        n = Int((nmax - nmin + 1) * Rnd + nmin)
        If dic.exists(n) = False Then
            dic.Add n, Format(Now(), "yyyyMMdd_HHmmSS_") & Format(n, "00000")
        End If
    runif = dic.items
End Function

Public Function CREATE_DataBase()
    Call Set_New_Data_Base
End Function
Public Function CREATE_DataTable(ByVal create_table_name As String, ByVal table_column_types As Variant, _
                                ByVal table_column_names As Variant)
    Call SQL("CREATE", "TABLE", create_table_name, table_column_types, table_column_names)
End Function
Public Function INSERT_Columns(ByVal table_name As String, ByVal table_column_types As Variant, _
                        ByVal table_column_names As Variant, ByVal set_insert_columns_number As Long) As Object
    '' INSERT table名 データ型配列、データ名配列、挿入位置の数字
'    Set INSERT_Columns = Insert_New_Column_To_DataTable(table_name, set_insert_columns_number, _
'                                            table_column_types, table_column_names)
    Call SQL("INSERT", table_name, table_column_types, table_column_names, set_insert_columns_number)
End Function
Public Function UPDATE_Table(ByVal table_name As String, ByVal update_data As Variant)
    '' UPDATE table名 dictionary名|配列名
    Call SQL("UPDATE", table_name, update_data)
End Function
Public Function DELETE_Items(ByVal table_name As String, ByVal delete_key As Variant)
    '' DELETE table名 *
    '' DELETE table名 削除データキー配列
    Call SQL("DELETE", table_name, delete_key)
End Function
Public Function DROP_Table(ByVal table_name As String)
    Call SQL("DROP", table_name)
End Function
Public Function tables() As Variant
    tables = Get_Table_List
End Function
Public Function table_ColNames(ByVal table_name As String) As Variant
    Dim dic As Object
    Set dic = Read_DataTable(table_name)
    table_ColNames = dic.item("name")
End Function
Public Function table_Count(ByVal table_name As String) As Variant
    Dim dic As Object
    Set dic = Read_DataTable(table_name)
    table_Count = dic.Count - 3
End Function
Public Function SELECT_Table(ByVal table_name As String, _
                            Optional view_column_names As Variant = "*", _
                            Optional select_column_names As Boolean = False, _
                            Optional formula As String = "", _
                            Optional order_table As Boolean = False, _
                            Optional names_to_order As String = "", _
                            Optional ASC_or_DESC As SortOrder = SortOrder.orderASC, _
                            Optional table_join As Boolean = False, _
                            Optional join_key_name As String = "", _
                            Optional join_table_name As String = "") As Object
    '' SELECT * table名 WHERE 条件式
    '' SELECT 列名配列 table名 ORDER 列名 ASC|DESC
    '' SELECT 列名配列 table名 JOIN 列名 table名
    Dim connection As Variant
    '' 条件式による分岐
    connection = Array(select_column_names, order_table, table_join)
    Select Case join(connection, ",")
        Case join(Array(False, False, False), ",")
            Set SELECT_Table = SQL("SELECT", view_column_names, table_name)
        Case join(Array(True, False, False), ",")
            Set SELECT_Table = SQL("SELECT", view_column_names, table_name, _
                                "WHERE", formula)
        Case join(Array(False, True, False), ",")
            Set SELECT_Table = SQL("SELECT", view_column_names, table_name, _
                                    "ORDER", names_to_order, ASC_or_DESC)
        Case join(Array(False, False, True), ",")
            Set SELECT_Table = SQL("SELECT", view_column_names, table_name, _
                                    "JOIN", join_key_name, join_table_name)
        Case join(Array(True, True, False), ",")
            Set SELECT_Table = SQL("SELECT", view_column_names, table_name, _
                                    "WHERE", formula, _
                                    "ORDER", names_to_order, ASC_or_DESC)
        Case join(Array(True, False, True), ",")
            Set SELECT_Table = SQL("SELECT", view_column_names, table_name, _
                                    "WHERE", formula, _
                                    "JOIN", join_key_name, join_table_name)
        Case join(Array(False, True, True), ",")
            Set SELECT_Table = SQL("SELECT", view_column_names, table_name, _
                                    "ORDER", names_to_order, ASC_or_DESC, _
                                    "JOIN", join_key_name, join_table_name)
        Case join(Array(True, True, True), ",")
            Set SELECT_Table = SQL("SELECT", view_column_names, table_name, _
                                    "WHERE", formula, _
                                    "ORDER", names_to_order, ASC_or_DESC, _
                                    "JOIN", join_key_name, join_table_name)
    End Select
End Function
Public Function arr2dic(ByVal table_array As Variant) As Variant
    Dim dt() As Variant
    Dim stext As String
    Dim i, j As Long
    If InStr("文字列,数値,日付,時間", table_array(LBound(table_array, 1), LBound(table_array, 2))) > 0 Then
        ReDim dt(LBound(table_array, 1) To UBound(table_array, 1) - 1, _
                LBound(table_array, 2) To UBound(table_array, 2))
        For i = LBound(table_array, 1) + 1 To UBound(table_array, 1)
            For j = LBound(dt, 2) To UBound(dt, 2)
                dt(i - 1, j) = table_array(i, j)
    End If
    Set table_array = Array_to_Dictionary(dt, 1)
End Function
Public Function dic2arr(ByVal table_object As Object) As Variant
    dic2arr = Dictionary_to_Array(table_object)
End Function
Public Function SQL(ParamArray sql_code()) '' saaa
    '' SQL構文を使って操作
    Dim scode As String
    Dim dic As Object
    Dim i As Long
    Dim ikey As Variant
    Dim filename As String
    Dim ch As String
    Select Case sql_code(0)
        Case "CREATE"
            '' CREATE DATATABLE
            '' CREATE TABLE table名 データ型配列 データ列名配列
            '' 文字列変換
            If sql_code(1) = "DATABASE" Then
                Call Set_New_Data_Base

            ElseIf sql_code(1) = "TABLE" Then
                Call Add_Data_Table(sql_code(2), 1, sql_code(3), sql_code(4))
                MsgBox sql_code(2) & "を作成しました", vbInformation
                MsgBox "書き方が間違っています。"
                Exit Function
            End If
        Case "SELECT"
            '' SELECT * table名 WHERE 条件式
            '' SELECT 列名配列 table名 ORDER 列名 ASC|DESC
            '' SELECT 列名配列 table名 JOIN 列名 table名
            If Search_Dimentions(sql_code(1)) = 1 Then
                Set dic = Select_Columns(Read_DataTable(sql_code(2)), sql_code(1))
            ElseIf sql_code(1) = "*" Then
                Set dic = Read_DataTable(sql_code(2))
                MsgBox "構文が間違ってきます。"
                Exit Function
            End If
            If UBound(sql_code) < 3 Then GoTo Continue_Select
            For i = 3 To UBound(sql_code)
                Select Case sql_code(i)
                    Case "WHERE"
                        Set dic = SELECT_MODE(dic, sql_code(i), sql_code(i + 1))
                        i = i + 1
                    Case "ORDER", "JOIN"
                        Set dic = SELECT_MODE(dic, sql_code(i), sql_code(i + 1), sql_code(i + 2))
                        i = i + 2
                End Select
            Set SQL = dic
        Case "INSERT"
            '' INSERT table名 データ型配列、データ名配列、挿入位置の数字
            Set SQL = Insert_New_Column_To_DataTable(sql_code(1), sql_code(4), sql_code(2), sql_code(3))
            Call Make_Backup_File(sql_code(1))
        Case "UPDATE"
            '' UPDATE table名 dictionary名|配列名
            Call Write_DataTable(sql_code(1), Update_DataTable(sql_code(1), sql_code(2)))
            Call Make_Backup_File(sql_code(1))
        Case "DELETE"
            '' DELETE table名 *
            '' DELETE table名 削除データキー配列
            Set dic = Read_DataTable(sql_code(1))
            If sql_code(2) = "*" Then
                For Each ikey In dic
                    If ikey = "primary_key" Or ikey = "name" Or ikey = "type" Then
                        dic.Remove ikey
                    End If
                If Search_Dimentions(sql_code(2)) = 0 Then sql_code(2) = Array(sql_code(2))
                For Each ikey In sql_code(2)
                    dic.Remove ikey
            End If
            ''Set SQL = dic
            Call Write_DataTable(sql_code(1), dic)
            Call Make_Backup_File(sql_code(1))
        Case "DROP"
            '' DROP table名
            filename = DT_name(sql_code(1))
            ch = MsgBox(filename & vbCrLf & "このテーブルを削除しますか?", vbYesNo)
            If ch = 6 Then
                Kill filename
                Debug.Print "Remove File: " & filename
                MsgBox filename & vbCrLf & "テーブルを削除しました。", vbInformation
            End If
        Case ".table"
            '' .table
            SQL = Get_Table_List
        Case ".table.names"
            Set dic = Read_DataTable(sql_code(1))
            SQL = dic.item("name")
    End Select

End Function
Private Function SELECT_MODE(ByVal dic As Object, ByVal mode As Variant, ParamArray p()) As Object
    On Error GoTo Continue
    Dim num As Long
    Select Case mode
        Case "WHERE"
            Set SELECT_MODE = Filter_Data_Table(dic, p(0))
        Case "ORDER"
'            If InStr(p(1), "ASC") > 0 Then
'                num = 0
'            ElseIf InStr(p(1), "DESC") > 0 Then
'                num = 1
'            Else
'                num = 0
'            End If
'            Set SELECT_MODE = Sort_Data_Table(dic, p(0), num)
            Set SELECT_MODE = Sort_Data_Table(dic, p(0), p(1))
        Case "JOIN"
            Set SELECT_MODE = Left_Join(dic, p(0), Read_DataTable(p(1)))
        Case Else
            Set SELECT_MODE = dic
    End Select
End Function
Private Sub Make_Backup_File(ByVal DataTable_name As String)
    '' バックアップファイルを作成
    Dim bf As String
    bf = Join_Path(working_dir, "Backups\" & Format(Now(), "yyyyMMdd_HHmmSS") & "_backup_file_" & DataTable_name & ".txt")
    FileCopy DT_name(DataTable_name), bf
End Sub
Private Function Remove_Rows_From_2dimArray(ByVal dt As Variant, ByVal row_num As Long) As Variant
    '' 2次元配列の対象列を除外
    '' row_num: 除外する行番号
    Dim New_dt() As Variant
    Dim i, j As Long
    ReDim New_dt(LBound(dt, 1) To UBound(dt, 1) - 1, LBound(dt, 2) To UBound(dt, 2))
    For i = LBound(dt, 1) To UBound(dt, 1)
        For j = LBound(dt, 2) To UBound(dt, 2)
            If i < row_num Then
                New_dt(i, j) = dt(i, j)
            ElseIf i > row_num Then
                New_dt(i - 1, j) = dt(i, j)
            End If
    Remove_Rows_From_2dimArray = New_dt
End Function
Public Function arr2DicArr(ByVal data_array As Variant) As Variant
    arr2DicArr = Get_Table_To_Array(data_array)
End Function
Private Function Get_Table_To_Array(ByVal dt As Variant) As Variant
    '' 二次元配列を列名でdictionaryに登録し、それを配列にする
    '' Update_DataTableのインプットデータに使用
    '' dt: 2次元配列
    '' 最初の行は列名にする
    '' | 列名 | 列名 | 列名...|
    '' | 値  | 値   | 値... |
    Dim New_data() As Variant
    Dim col_name() As Variant
    Dim i, j, num As Long
    Dim bCell As Variant
    ReDim New_data(LBound(dt, 1) To UBound(dt, 1) - 1)
    ReDim col_name(LBound(dt, 2) To UBound(dt, 2)) As Variant
    '' 列名取得
    For i = LBound(dt, 2) To UBound(dt, 2)
        col_name(i) = dt(LBound(dt, 1), i)
    '' データを登録
    For i = LBound(dt, 1) To UBound(dt, 1) - 1
        Set New_data(i) = Set_Dictionary
        For j = LBound(col_name) To UBound(col_name)
            New_data(i).Add col_name(j), dt(i + 1, j)
    Get_Table_To_Array = New_data
End Function
Private Function Get_DataTable_Format(ByVal DataTable_name As String) As Object
    '' データテーブルに登録するために、空のdictionaryを取得
    Dim n As Integer
    Dim i As LongPtr
    Dim text As String
    Dim dic As Object
    Set dic = Set_Dictionary
    n = FreeFile
    Open DT_name(DataTable_name) For Input As #n
        i = 1
        Do While Not EOF(n)
            Line Input #n, text
            If text = "" Then GoTo Continue
            If i = 3 Then
                For Each ikey In Split(text, vbTab)
                    dic.Add ikey, ""
                dic.Remove ("NAME")
            End If
            i = i + 1
    Close #n
    Set Get_DataTable_Format = dic
End Function
Public Function filter4dic(ByVal data_object As Object, ByVal formula As String) As Object
    Set filter4dic = Filter_Data_Table(data_object, formula)
End Function

Private Function Filter_Data_Table(ByVal data As Object, ByVal formula As String) As Object
    '' Dictionaryタイプで取り込んだall_dataをフィルター処理

    Dim d_Type, d_name As Variant
    Dim fs As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    Dim ops As Variant
    Dim base_data, f_data, or_data As Object
    Dim sval, tval, ikey As Variant
    ''d_Type = data.item("type")
    d_name = data.item("name")
    '' 式と条件を分割
    fs = Separate_Formula(formula)
    '' 分岐前のコピーを作成
    Set base_data = data
    i = 1
        '' 比較演算子の判定
        ops = Select_Operator(fs(1)(i), d_name)
        '' 検索
        Set f_data = Set_Dictionary
        '' データ型の取得
        If ops(0) <> "NA" Then
            d_Type = data.item("type")(ops(1))
            d_Type = "文字列"
        End If
        '' 検索条件値のフォーマット変換
        sval = Text_Format(ops(2), d_Type)
        If IsEmpty(sval) Then
            GoTo Continue
        End If
        For Each ikey In base_data.keys
            '' 列名とデータ型は必ず登録
            If ikey = "primary_key" Or ikey = "name" Or ikey = "type" Then
                f_data.Add ikey, base_data(ikey)
                GoTo Continue
            End If
            '' 対象データを取得
            If ops(0) <> "NA" Then
                tval = Text_Format(base_data(ikey)(ops(1)), d_Type)
                tval = join(base_data(ikey), ",")
            End If
            If IsEmpty(tval) Then GoTo Continue
            '' 該当するデータを登録
            Select Case ops(0)
                Case "="
                    If InStr(tval, sval) > 0 Then
                        f_data.Add ikey, base_data(ikey)
                    End If
                Case "=="
                    If tval = sval Then
                        f_data.Add ikey, base_data(ikey)
                    End If
                Case "!="
                    If tval <> sval Then
                        f_data.Add ikey, base_data(ikey)
                    End If
                Case ">=", "=>"
                    If tval >= sval Then
                        f_data.Add ikey, base_data(ikey)
                    End If
                Case ">"
                    If tval > sval Then
                        f_data.Add ikey, base_data(ikey)
                    End If
                Case "<=", "=<"
                    If tval <= sval Then
                        f_data.Add ikey, base_data(ikey)
                    End If
                Case "<"
                    If tval < sval Then
                        f_data.Add ikey, base_data(ikey)
                    End If
                Case "NA"
                    If InStr(tval, sval) > 0 Then
                        f_data.Add ikey, base_data(ikey)
                    End If
                Case "Error"
                    Exit For
            End Select

        '' 前回条件がorの場合の処理
        If i > 1 Then
            If fs(0)(i - 1) = "or" Then
                '' or_data(前回検索したデータ)をf_data(今回検索したデータ)に統合
                For Each ikey In or_data.keys
                    If f_data.exists(ikey) = False Then
                        f_data.Add ikey, or_data(ikey)
                    End If
            End If
        End If
        '' 今回条件に対する処理
        Select Case fs(0)(i)
            Case "end"
                Exit Do
            Case "and"
                Set base_data = Nothing
                Set base_data = f_data
                Set f_data = Nothing
            Case "or"
                Set or_data = Nothing
                Set or_data = f_data
                Set f_data = Nothing
        End Select

        i = i + 1
    Set Filter_Data_Table = f_data

End Function

Private Function Select_Operator(ByVal formula As String, ByVal names As Variant) As Variant
    '' 比較演算子の判定 names 配列型の名前リスト
    '' ==: 完全一致
    '' = : 部分一致
    '' !=: 否定
    '' > : 大なり
    '' >=: 以上
    '' < : 小なり
    '' <=: 以下