Meet Rogue and Voltie | Kristopher Kortryk

Kristopher Kortryk

My personal blog about life as a single parent, and my quest to get there one day from America.

Hello from America! America


Our First Convention Together (Part 2)

My son makes professional fur suits, similar to the ones seen in Hollywood. They take years to create, and are very elaborate and beautiful. My son got into it years ago, and he was so passionate about it that I purchased one for him. We purchased one a fur suit from Skypro Costumes that cost about 630,000 Yen! When spending that kind of money, I wanted to make sure it is the best quality and that will last a long time. It took over 3 years for it to be created, and is named, "Rogue" cracker

I also purchased a suit named, "Voltie" that also took several years to create. My suit cost about 425,000 Yen when it was fully complete and was made by Monster Cat Creations. This was our first convention at which we could go together. I never imagined that I would buy my own suit, but I realized that if I wanted to really understand him and be a part of his world I needed to get one. I do not regret it. I realized just how much fun it can be to play around while in a fur suit. It is good clean fun! cracker

This convention that we came together at is called, "Fur The More". OK

It just so happens to coinside with the end of Shouta's apprenticeship, and we were moving him home while also moving out of our current house and getting ready to move into a new one. We did our best to have a great time and participate in the major events at the convention. It was important for us to do so. note

We were joined by another friend, "Nameless" (in the bright blue suit), and got a picture together! cracker

We stayed in a hotel room for one day/night so we had a place to cool off when done suiting. It had a very nice view! Eye

It sounds funny, but we took some time to brush our suits so that they looked their best! 

Some of our friends, Sturmovick and Equis Silvermane were there for some pictures. Awesome

Suiting is hot work! It messes my hair up too. Let goLet goLet go

The convention had a nice dealers room as well. Trump heartDice

There was a group photo taken for many of the suiters. We are in there somewhere! Eye

And the two of us passing by a video camera during the parade notenotenote


This convention was wonderful, as my two sons and I were coming back together as a family. By the end of the convention we were tired but happy. The convention only lasted for one day and night, but it was hugely significant. Next we had the big move into our new home was coming up fast, which I will post about in Part 3. Love love


Thank you for reading! Please


Stay safe and have a great day in Japan! Japan