ブログで1年後の自分へ手紙を書こう! | Kristopher Kortryk

Kristopher Kortryk

My personal blog about life as a single parent, and my quest to get there one day from America.

乙女のトキメキブログで1年後の自分へ手紙を書こう!爆  笑

みんなの回答を見る右矢印 Writing a letter to myself in the future, I think I should probably remind myself to keep blogging no matter what. A year from now I hope I feel as open and safe to tell my story as I do today. I think I will, but I have only been blogging for a few months now actively on Ameba, and a year seems a long time from now.
キャンペーン詳細右矢印 For the future I want to remind myself to keep fighting for my trip to Japan. One year from now I should have several million Yen saved-up for the trip, and if I don't, this letter is my scolding to myself to work harder.