Please Be Careful in the Heat! | Kristopher Kortryk

Kristopher Kortryk

My personal blog about life as a single parent, and my quest to get there one day from America.

A 1-year-old girls death = investigation of heat stroke or injury in the car - Nagasaki prefectural police officer police said
 on Monday that the girls (1) were suffering in a car parked in a parking lot next to a private house in Hasami Town, Nagasaki prefecture, around 2:30 p.m. Then .......... «Continue reading»


I am saddened to hear this story. Shobourne  

This is the kind of tragedy that will happen more and more as the heatwave continues.!  !


Caution It is not just the children that suffer more in the heat. It is also the elderly and pets! Caution


Please do not leave Anyone in the car when it is hot outside !  !  It is too dangerous!


In the United States we have laws that punnish harshly when children, the elderly or pets die in hot cars. It is a very serious crime here. skull


Remember that the inside of a car gets much hotter than the air outside!  !


If the air outside is 40 Celcius, the air inside a car can reach 55 Celcius !  !Melamela!  !


55 Celcius kills very fast. 5 Minutes can be too longSurprised Mark


Please stay safe in the heat, we are thinking and praying for you. Nico Nico

