Remember the scene in Norway Wood:

Watanabe-kun, presistantly could not stop thinking of Naoko.. " Naoko digged a hole in my heart and left. I chased and chased and chased but nobody replied."

Poor Watanabe-kun. After all the stuggling he sent out(posted out, physically..) a letter. That is unfortunately no more than a new start of another tragedy...

" Finally I held my breathe and sent out the letter. At the moment I put it into the postbox, I found the hole in my heart became even larger and deeper."

Still today I remember this. In the gold old days, I tried to do the same thing, feeling so fulfilled as if myself was the hero(in) of the sad story.

Today, after over 10 years, what I get from the same scene is a completely different point of view:

The more you ask, the more you loose. vs.

the more you give, the more you get.

Simple but interesting correlatioin between things that appear to be totally opposite.

I held back something that I really wanted to say at the meeting, which turned out to be a big big failure. Obviously I`m focusing on the wrong things. Stupid girl.