Let's go | Words. Days.

Words. Days.

Thoughts, questions, tales... blah-blah...

Hello, members of Ameba and strangers. Glad to see you, if you here. That was not so hard to understand what's going on on this web-site, thanks to developers. It's my first post on Ameba. So, just a little about myself. My name is Vitalii (something like a 'Bitari' if you write my name katakana). I was born in Ukraine, so far, but last time I'm living near Vladivostok. I see, many Japanese heard about this Russian city. There is beautyful nature - forests, small mountains ('sopki'). My speciality is nanoelectronics, but it's uncompleted higher education. Like a lot of foreigners, I'm interesting in Japanese lifestyle, technologies, culture, history, anime (but I prefer manga) and so on. よろしくお願いします。